2004-05-28 02:55:43靜燄

My Sundown

My Sundown

There's a part of me, that's always deceased,
It dies with the death of the sun
Chokes with Amon Ra, suffocating
Falls with the grief of light, never to regain.
Yet there's a part of me, that's always revived,
It rises with the silence of heat
Ecstatic by the presence of stars, black tides, taciturn Mars and crescent Luna.
Surges high, unrestrained and free, of nothing and of all, devoid of blight
Drift seamlessly with Ebony Night.

Return yourself to you
Relight your deadened mind with darkness
Relive life and cherish one breath
in Moon-risen starlight, My Sundown, to end,
Or to rest.