2004-04-08 13:06:28Evelyn


  根據 STAT'S LIFE 的統計,在英國影院有史以來週末票房總收入排行榜上,《哈利波特》與《魔戒》系列獨佔螯頭,包攬了前四名的位置。具體排行榜如下(單位:英磅):

  1 Harry Potter & Chamber of Secrets(哈利波特與密室) £18,871,829

  2 Harry Potter & Sorcerer's Stone(哈利波特與魔法石) £16,335,627

  3 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King(指環王3:王者無敵) £15,021,761

  4 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers(指環王2:雙塔奇兵) £13,063,560

  5 The Matrix Reloaded(黑客帝國2:重裝上陣) £12,15,276

  6 Star Wars: Attack of the Clones(星球大戰:克隆人的進攻) £11,386,209

  7 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowshop of the Ring(指環王1:魔戒現身) £11,058,045

  8 Star Wars: Episode 1 The Phantom Menace(星球大戰首部曲) £9,512,295

  9 Spiderman(蜘蛛俠) £9,426,969

  10 Monsters, Inc.(怪物公司) £9,200,257