2017-06-03 07:14:46eu2uwosq2vds

民間貸款 貸款週轉需要錢火車站附近的借錢管道













柯文哲表示,如果有工程專家可以提出重組的方法,那就來研究,但現在沒有專家可以提出,「 如果組不起來,大家就面對事實,當初馬英九工法不對的。還是要再送文資審議,不能重組就不要欺騙社會大眾」。


/ Reuters, BERLIN and BRUSSELS

China and Europe yesterday pledged to unite to save “Mother Earth” in the face of US President Donald Trump’s decision to take the world’s largest carbon polluter out of the Paris climate change pact.

Others, including Russia, India and Mexico, quickly signaled their commitment to the accord, alth購屋ough a Kremlin aide said it would not be viable without US participation.

France said it would work with US states and cities — some of which have broken with Trump’s decisions — to keep up the fight against climate change.

The World Meteorological Organization sought to quantify Trump’s decision, estimating that US withdrawal from the emissions-cutting accord could add 0.3°C to global temperatures by the end of the century in a worst-case scenario.

Trump, tapping into the “America first” message he used when he was elected president last year, said he would withdraw the US from the landmark 2015 global agreement on tackling global warming.

He said that participating would undermine the US economy, wipe out US jobs, weaken US national sovereignty and put the country at a permanent disadvantage to other countries.

The move was met with公教人員貸款 a mix of dismay and anger around the world — from many in industry, as well as governments, which scrambled to renew their commitment to curbing global warming.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, a pastor’s daughter who is usually intensely private about her faith, said the accord was needed “to preserve our Creation.”

“To everyone for whom the future of our planet is important, I say let’s continue going down this path so we’re successful for our Mother Earth,” she said to applause from lawmakers.

In Paris, the venue for the pact, French President Emmanuel Macron turned Trump’s “Make America Great Again” campaign slogan on its head, saying in a rare English-language statement that it was time to “make the planet great again.”

A long-scheduled meeting yesterday between Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (李克強) and top EU officials in Brussels was 房貸比較dominated by Trump’s decision.

The meeting was to end with a joint statement pled企業融資申貸ging full implementation of the Paris deal, committing China and the EU to cutting back on fossil fuels, developing more “green” technology and helping raise US$100 billion per year by 2020 to help poorer countries reduce their high-polluting emissions.

China has emerged as Europe’s unlikely partner in this and other areas — underlining Trump’s isolation on many issues.

“There is no reverse gear to energy transition. There is no backsliding on the Paris agreement,” European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said.

Russia struck a rare negative note.

While Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich said he did not think Trump’s decision would prompt Russia to rethink its own stance, the Kremlin suggested the withdrawal could be fatal to the pact.

Kremlin aide Andrei Belousov said the US move punched a gaping hole in the Paris accord.

“It’s obvious that without the participation of the United States the Paris agreement will be unworkable, because the United States is one of the biggest generator of emissions,” he said.


埃及敏亞省(Minya)26日一輛載著科普特基督教徒(Coptic Christians)的巴士,遭「伊斯蘭國」聖戰士槍擊,造成29死24傷。埃及空軍隨即對利比亞一處IS據點進行轟炸,予以反擊。

據埃及內政部表示,在敏亞省發生的該起槍擊事件中,至少有29名科普特基督徒人,在前往修道院時被槍擊身亡。當時這群基督徒正要前往位於首都開羅以南約220公里的聖塞繆爾修道院(Saint Samuel Monastery),三名在卡車上的蒙面歹徒對他們開火後,隨即逃離現場。這起事件死傷者大多為兒童。

埃及政府隨即對其還以顏色。派出空軍對利比亞德爾納(Derna)附近的營地,進行了六次轟炸。埃及總統法塔赫(Abdel Fattah el-Sisi)表示,埃及國外留學花費政府已對恐怖分子陣營進行轟炸。他也表示,支持恐怖主義的國家將會受到懲罰。



