2007-09-07 14:34:48小心眼

Goodbye, Pavarotti!

被譽為世界三大男高音之一的帕華洛帝(Luciano Pavarotti),於九月六日因胰臟癌逝世,享年七十一歲。




他最膾炙人口的一首歌【Nessun Dorma】:

另一首招牌歌【O sole mio】,我選了三大男高音的合唱版:

我個人很喜歡的【Torna a Surriento】:

順便來一首跟U2合唱的【Miss Sarajevo】:


最後謹以【My Way】,悼念這位聽說看不懂歌譜的世紀天才。

 And now, the end is near, and so I face, the final curtain.
 My friend, I’ll say it clear,
 I’ll state my case, of which I’m certain.
 I’ve lived, a life that’s full,
 I’ve traveled each and every highway.
 And more, much more than this,
 I did it my way.

 Regrets, I’ve had a few, but then again, too few to mention.
 I did, what I had to do, and saw it through, without exemption.
 I planned, each charted course, each careful step, along the byway,
 and more, much more than this,
 I did it my way.

 Yes, there were times, I’m sure you knew,
 When I bit off, more than I could chew.
 But through it all, when there was doubt,
 I ate it up, and spit it out.
 I faced it all, and I stood tall,
 and did it my way.

 I’ve loved, I’ve laughed and cried,
 I’ve had my fill; my share of losing.
 And now, as tears subside, I find it all so amusing.
 To think, I did all that, and may I say, not in a shy way,
 ”Oh no, oh no not me, I did it my way”.

 For what is a man, what has he got?
 If not himself, then he has naught.
 To say the things, he truly feels,
 And not the words, of one who kneels.
 The record shows, I took the blows ---
 And did it my way!

 I did it my way.



P.S.【My Way】這首歌原來是法文名曲【Comme d’habitude】,講述一天回到家裡卻發現戀人不在,只好日復一日一如往常吃飯睡覺等待,如同戀人也一如往常不回來一樣。原唱Claude François的聲音也超好聽,可是YOUTUBE上不是配上奇怪的MV,就是品質不好,只好不放上來了。另外,帕華洛帝曾於前年年底來台,在台中開過演唱會。很遺憾沒能親臨現場。真的很多事當下不做,一輩子都做不了了。