2016-07-23 22:46:49erinks3dp3l

學英文對話 成人補習班 全民英檢初級複試 object plate中文意思是什麼

    學英文對話 成人補習班 全民英檢初級複試全民英檢成績單 旅遊英文教學成人英文補習班 流利英文 學習英語的方法外籍英文家教 商務英文 兒童美語老師數學線上教學 youtube英文教學 補習班英文老師薪水學單字 台灣英語教育英文 免費聽英文學英文app 免費下載大家說英語



object plate中文意思是什麼

object plate解釋


  • object: n 1 物,物體,物件。2 目標 (of; for); 目的,宗旨。3 【哲學】對象,客體,客觀 (opp subject); ...
  • plate: n 1 厚金屬板 〈cf sheet〉 板(片);(記有姓名等的金屬)牌子,(尤指醫生的)招牌,藏書牌;【印刷...

  • A conclusion is reached that the surface porous metal plate excels flat metal plate at equivalent absorptivity on the same condition

  • The world was like a plate ; paradise was up a mountain, across a sea, perhaps guarded by angels, maybe in china, or armenia, or abyssinia, or mesopotamia 英語日常會話 英文雜誌比較

  • View from the economic, political and social backgrounds of present stage, the condition to abolish death penalty is far from being mature, but the system of death penalty in our country is born several defects, so we should strictly restrict the object and accusal that applied to death penalty through legislation and justice, demolish the procedure for judicial review of death penalty, carry out the system of the third instance as the final and add the institution of pardon

  • For this purpos, from the point of the log geology, aimed at the actuality of the current fractured reservoir log geology interpretation and evaluation, based on synthetical analysis of the current domestic and foreign fruit of fractal dimension investigation of reservoir fracture, using the method and technique of fractal dimension, through the further discussion of the fractal dimension characteristics of m index and n index in the log interpretation archie model in a sample way and through the theoretic reasoning to the fractal dimension dfa and m index of fractured reservoir interval ' s log curve, according to the geophysical signification of the fractal dimension dfa of fractured reservoir interval ' s log curve shape : the more complicated the change of the curve shape is, the larger the its dfa value is, then the more complicated space structure of fracture and pore, then the higher value of m index of space structure of fracture and pore, and so on, the text propounds an improved method, based on box dimension, of covering log curve with scale grid, and by programming computes the dfa and its m index value of fractured reservoir interval ' s log curve, for instance, ac and rt curve, ect, then further puts this technique into application investigation, and makes analysis of application effects in the reservoirs located in l area of qx oil field from three aspects : 1. the dfa and its m index value of fractured reservoir interval ' s log curve, for instance, ac and rt curve, ect, which are derived from computing, is used to identify reservoir type by crossplotting m index with the product df _ acrt of fractal dimension of acoustical wave log curve and restivity log curve and by experiential discriminance plate of reservoir type in l area of qx oil field

    因此,對該區裂縫性儲集層的類型識別、孔滲特徵的測井地質解釋以及儲層裂縫的發育和分佈規律進行深入的研究便成為本文研究的出發點。為此,本文從測井地質的角度,針對當前裂縫性儲層測井地質解釋與評價的現狀,在綜合分析當前國內外儲層裂縫的分形分維研究成果的基礎上,利用分形分維方法和技術,通過對archie測井解釋模型中的m指數、 n指數的分形分維特性的深入淺出的論述以及裂縫性儲層段測井曲線分維d _ ( fa )與m指數的理論推導,根據裂縫性儲層測井曲線形態分維值的地球物理意義? ?曲線變化越復雜,則其分維值d _ ( fa )越大、裂縫孔隙空間結構越復雜、裂縫孔隙空間結構指數m值越高等特徵,提出了改進的基於盒維數的測井曲線網格覆蓋法,編程計算了裂縫性儲層段常規測井曲線(如聲波和電阻率曲線)上分形分維值及其m指數值,進而從以下三個方面對qx油田l區塊的裂縫油藏進行應用研究,效果十分理想: 1將計算得到的可變的m指數與聲波和電阻率分維之積df _ acrt進行交繪,採用儲層分維值分類技術統計分析這些參數變化的規律,並結合qx油田l區塊儲層類型經驗判別圖版,從而實現qx油田l區塊下白堊統的裂縫性儲層的類型識別。
  • The thesis starts with the producing technological process firstly and designs the first domestic automatic product line of the vehicle licence plate ' s semi - products. and through the analysis of the main control objects of the automatic production line, we choose the unwinding tension control system of the aluminium cingulum ' s sticking tache as the research object

    本論文首先從車牌高一英文 英檢中高級初試半成品的生產工藝流程入手,對國內首條車牌半成品自動生產線進行了設計,並通過對車牌半成品自動生產線的主要控制對象的分析,選定了鋁帶貼膜環節的反光膜放卷張力控制系統作為本課題的研究對象。

    object language, object lens, object lesson, object staff, object teaching, object writing

    object plate中文意思是什麼
      英語 補習班的英文南一英文 英語會話補習班 生活美語會話下載線上一對一英文 南一英文 初學英語英檢中級初試 外籍英語家教線上免費英文學習 英文影片 新竹數學家教外國英文家教 商用英文手機學英語 兒童學英語多益線上課程 學習的英文家教中心 西文補習班英文家教外籍 英文家教 新竹
