2006-05-06 19:53:21蓉蓉

Buseiness---Empowerment Benefits Everyone 授權

Empowerment is necessary in all organizations, from big businesses, to
church congregations,to the family unit. The goal of empowerment is to
help others develop and use their skills.

The Person who empowers others
1.abondon your own talents
2. develop his skills
3. set aside your own pride
4. look for potential, not accomplished skills.
5. release control and authority
6. not continuing to keep control over~~
7. not defeats the purpose of empowerment or the spirits of trainer worker
8. allow you to make changes or improvements in order to do the job in the
best possible way.

The Person who is empowered
1. grasp all important aspects of the job.
2. master skills necessary to do the job
3. operate within the parameters of your competency
4. commit to sth  致力於
5. dual pledge 雙方同意(agreement between both parties)

some phrases

1. release sb to do sth 允許某人去作某事
=allow sb to do sth <=> check up on you

2. priviliege 特權
=give sb advantage over sb