2006-05-11 22:04:14蓉蓉

Management---Tips for effective time management有效的時間管

1.Prime time 黃金時間(prime=best)
Do your most challenging or most important work when your energy is at
its peak. Make sure that time is dedicated for serious decision
making, not checking e-mail or micromanaging the work of others.

2.Do not disturb 禁止打擾
Interruptios are an unavoidable part of daily office life.
But left untamed they can also sabotage your best efforts to dedicate
mantal energy to a crucial task needing undivided attention.
Block off periods of time for doing creative work undisturbed.

3.Toss,Refer,Act or File 丟棄,轉交, 執行或歸檔
does message apply to you? If not. toos it.
would someone else more suited to follow up on this message?
Refer it to that person.
Act on it immediately.or mark it for follow-up/

4.Practice Compulsion to Closure 練習結束工座的強烈意願
Always work towards answers and choices and decisions.
debate of ideas 意見的爭論

some phrase
1.tips=suggestions=/ rules 技巧

2.feel overworked and stressed out(=anxiety) 工作過多的與感到有壓力的

3.remaind sb of sth 提醒人某事

4.they are under-aware under the passage of time 在某段時間被忽略

5.face a never-ending stream of demands on their time. 面對一連串的需求

6.endless meetings 永無止盡的會議

7.information overload 資訊氾濫

8.piles of paperwork to wade through 成堆的文件

9.rife with sth 充滿某事
ex:rife with layoffs

10,hiring freezes 開除某人後,不再雇用新人。

11.increased competition 競爭越來越激烈
ex: you are not given the same resource as before

12.hungry for business

13.extreme cases 極端事件

14.difficult work climate 艱困的工作環境

15.personal sanity 個人的理智

16.work oneself into early grave 工作過渡導致早逝

17.find time to include sth into their lives.找時間做什麼事

18.quiet time自己獨處的時間

19.juggle sth 同時做某事-導致分散注意力

20.damage their health and relationship with sb 健康受損與破壞關系

21.make a commitment to sb 對某人作承諾

22.squander your time and money 揮霍時間與金錢

23.spend hours and hours to work late. waste their time.花相當多時間工作

24.not an effective use of time 不是一個很好運用時間的方式

25.during office hours 在上班時間

26.there is always something breaks into your life 總有事情打亂你的生活

27.have a balance in maintain ~~ 在維持什麼中保持平衡

28.give more insight into this situation

29.micromanaging 處理小事

30.come up with sth 想到sth.

31.war times 戰爭時間

32. sabotage=undermine 破壞

33. perform certain task 執行某些事

34.like A over B 喜歡A勝於B

35.apply to sb 適用於某人

36.relentless 不間斷地;殘忍地

37.coming in your way 給你的

38.v. follow up 貫徹執行 n.follow-up 貫徹執行

39. more pressing matter 更急迫的事情

40. ruthless 殘忍的;無情的

41. complusion=strong desire to accomplish強烈完成事情的慾望

42. do not let things hangs up for weeks

ex:channel input and information into intangible outcomes.

44. put sth into practice 付諸執行

45. worth+V-ing

46. wade through 費力地進行(主詞用事情)