2019-05-03 22:31:59eouwssi4ueac

【超值推薦】Britax R-mer B-READY Seat Unit 首選戰利品


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最近在網路上看到Britax R?mer B-READY Seat Unit

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以下是Britax R?mer B-READY Seat Unit

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Britax Römer B-READY Seat Unit 設計式樣: Steel Grey · 2019

When your family is growing, you can simply set up your B-READY with a second Britax Römer B-READY seat unit. This way, you can easily transform your single B-READY into an efficient and well-equipped double buggy for siblings or twins. This transformation is done with only a few clicks.

You can choose from several great colours and thus add some oomph to your buggy. The comfortable seat unit is perfect for your little because he or she can cuddle up and enjoy the ride while being well-protected by the belt system as well as the play bar.

Another great feature of this seat unit is that is can be attached to the chassis in both driving directions. This way, your little one can either face you or else explore the world around. Highest comfort must be supplied too, of course. That is why this seat unit is equipped with multiply adjustable backrest and footrest. The large canopy with sun shade and viewing panel protects your little one from wind and sun so that he or she can enjoy every single minute outside in the fresh air.


  • Age suitability: from 6 months and up
  • 評價CP值超高

  • Integrated Click & Go adaptor for attaching the seat unit

  • Multiply adjustable backrest and footrest

  • Adjustable canopy with sun shade and viewing panel, UVP 50+

  • Size: length of backrest 52 cm, length of footrest 22 cm, seating surface D 23 x W 29 cm

  • Maximum weight capacity: 17 kg




Britax R?mer B-READY Seat Unit





NBA/布克沒入選明星賽 梗圖自嘲

油價下週估降0.3元 可望連2週走跌


如依預估,下週92無鉛汽油每公升新台幣29.6元、 95無鉛汽油每公升31.1元、98無鉛汽油每公升33.1元、超級柴油每公升27.8元,有望連續2週調降油價。

Britax R?mer B-READY Seat Unit

推薦, Britax R?mer B-READY Seat Unit

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使用評比, Britax R?mer B-READY Seat Unit

開箱文, Britax R?mer B-READY Seat Unit

?推薦, Britax R?mer B-READY Seat Unit

評測文, Britax R?mer B-READY Seat Unit

CP值, Britax R?mer B-READY Seat Unit

評鑑大隊, Britax R?mer B-READY Seat Unit

部落客推薦, Britax R?mer B-READY Seat Unit

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