2003-10-27 10:49:50Linda



I liked you phone me when you waked up in the bed.. the weekend weather pretty nice. Yesterday, I walked about half hrs to a book store to buy one book I have talked you on the phone the authoress name is 楊二車娜姆 the book’s name is “ there is no impossible in life” and two books about Japan’s travel one is Nikko the other is Izu & Hakone I prefer to Nikko, Izu & Hakone I have been there once, if you like , I can be your guide . After left the bookstore I went to the restaurant, where I have bought beef cakes for you when you were here last time while you having it the juice flowing out and mass your hands, this time I sat there and order one bow little rice, one beef roll and one crab egg shao mai蟹黃燒賣 they all very delicious ,at that moment I real wish you were here with me to enjoy the dinner. I guess I already fall in love with you.

Love Linda

P.S. You knew my boss not in Taiwan, :)