2004-09-05 17:08:32尚未設定


Is your mama a llama?
這本書很有意思,主角是一隻baby llama,在找媽媽的過程中,詢問了幾種不同的動物,每一種動物會先說出自己的特徵,可以帶領小朋友動作及聲音的模仿,以下是動物們對自己母親的描述,當然,寫的就是這些動物本身
蝙蝠:she hangs by her feet.and she lives in a cave.
天鵝:she has a long neck and white ferthers and wings.
牛:she grazes on grass.and she likes to say,'moo'
海豹:she's got flippers and whiskers and eat fish all day...
袋鼠:she's got big hind legs and a pocket for me...
駱馬:my mama has big ears.long lashes.and fur...