2006-10-12 08:43:12心仔²


David Beckham旧 spokesman today dismissed a claim made by Real Madrid president Ramon Calderon that the former England captain will quit in two years.

And Calderon said that he was confident the 31-year-old would extend his contract with the Spanish side which expires next year, despite not holding down a regular place on the team this season.

声s far as I know he has decided to retire in two years?time,?Calderon told BBC Radio Five Live.

戦t would be fantastic if he would stay with us for the next two years.”

But a spokesman for Beckham said: 荘his is a complete surprise to us. No one has ever discussed a retirement date.”

Calderon insisted that Beckham is still in the frame for Real coach Fabio Capello despite being restricted in the past few weeks to the substitutes?bench.

巣e need him. He旧 playing very well. The coach trusts him. We hope everything will be arrived at in the next 15 to 20 days to sign the new contract,?he said.

Calderon hinted that Beckham may head to the United States after leaving Madrid.

戦 read somewhere that perhaps he旧 going to the States for a golden retirement,?he said.

戦観 quite sure that nowadays a player at 34 or 35 can play easily. Especially him, who旧 a great professional, he旧 been training all his life. He does things in the right way. I imagine that if he wants, when he leaves Real Madrid, he can be anywhere in the world ?in the States perhaps, why not back in England??

Beckham moved to Real from Manchester United in 2003 in a deal worth $46.8m.

He would be free to negotiate with other clubs in January if he failed to agree a new contract with Real, who have have failed to win a major trophy in his three seasons in Spain.

Beckham was axed from the England team by new manager Steve McLaren following its World Cup flop.

But the midfielder says he is determined to force his way back into the squad, even if he doubts McClaren旧 public declaration that 鋳he door is still open.”

- from www.beckham-magazine.com