2005-05-19 23:03:59伊莉莎白


The Mogador Cake is a dark chocolate mousse
on a brownie base and finished with raspberries


125gr President butter
70gr dark chocolate
4 medium sized eggs
150gr caster sugar
60gr flour

In the Magimix, whisk the butter at high speed until it is fluffy, then add the chocolate, mixing continuously. In a separate bowl whip the eggs and sugar until white and then add to the chocolate mixture finally adding the flour with a large spoon.

Pour the mixture into a mousse ring on a well-greased tray and cook for 12/15 minutes at 180C Let the cake cool before removing it from the ring.

Chocolate Mousse

5 medium egg yolks
4 medium sized eggs
140gr caster sugar
40ml water
350gr melted chocolate
500ml cream, whipped to a peak
5 leaves gelatine
1/2 punnet fresh raspberries soaked overnight in raspberry liqueur

Put the egg yolks and eggs in a mixing bowl and whip them until they are light and fluffy. Mix the water and the sugar and bring to the boil, then pour over the eggs. Soften the gelatine in cold water and then beat it until it is cold. Add a quarter of the cream to the melted chocolate and stir, then gently add the rest along with the egg mixture.

To construct the cake

Bonne Maman raspberry conserve

In a 22cm mousse ring place a thin layer of the brownie and cover with Bonne Maman raspberry conserve. Pour on the chocolate mousse and sprinkle over some of the raspberries. Level off right to the top of the ring and put in the freezer overnight.


225gr cream
50gr glucose syrup
200gr sugar syrup (100gr sugar and 100gr water)
500 gr chocolate

Take the cream, glucose and syrup and bring to the boil. Add the chocolate shavings and mix with a wooden spoon.

Turn the cake out onto a wire rack the next morning and pour over the ganache. Then decorate with fresh raspberries and chocolate curls.