2005-02-07 19:25:25伊莉莎白


Ingredients :
1 onion, peeled and chopped
1 clove of garlic, crushed
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 pepper
1 courgette
3 tomatoes
240g minced beef
4 tbsp kidney beans (cooked)
8 tbsp mexican sauce (salsa)
4 tortillas
salt & pepper

olive oil to fry
Guacamole and salad to serve

Recipe :
Heat a little olive oil in a saucepan, fry the onion and garlic together gently, until soft.
Cut the pepper and courgette into thin strips and cook gently for 5 minutes.
Wash, and finely chop the tomatoes, add to courgette and pepper.
Add the mince, kidney beans and sauce and season. Allow to cook for 15 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 200°C (gas 6)
Fold the tortillas into cones and heat for 10 minutes.
When evrything is ready, serve with salad and guacamole.

Advice :
- red wine : Maçon, Saumur Champigny
- rosé : Tavel, Bandol
