2016-07-21 18:57:25eleanoe40qon2

線上英文課程 幼兒美語補習班 學英語的方法 key-ended中文意思是什麼

    新竹英語補習班 兒童英語會話班 英文影片翻譯app 英文學習 報名全民英檢英語測驗 線上教學網站線上英文課程 幼兒美語補習班 學英語的方法線上免費學英語 臺南英文家教 英檢網路報名免費英文教學網站 語言學習app線上英語教學 推薦 ?英文网 新聞學英文全美語教學 英語學習教材






  • key: n 1 鑰匙。2 要害,關口,要沖。3 關鍵,線索,秘訣;解法。4 (外國書的)直譯本,圖例,題解,圖解,...
線上教學英文 商用英文 補習 學英文好方法

  • Some public key cryptosystem extended to abelian group

  • Finally, the key link of engineering design reuse, which supports the reuse of the structuralizeation of designing knowledge and of the abstractive scheme, was approached

  • The sedimentation is the foundation, affecting the basic pattern of the reservoir, and the sedimentary facies zones beneficial to the formation and evolution of the reservoir includes platform edge bank facies, introplatform point beach facies and acclivity sedimentary facies, etc. ; the diagenesis is the key factor, determining the pattern and scope of the final distribution of the reservoir and being of great influence on reservoir structure, and the diagenesis of promoting the formation of storage rooms is mainly the dissolution occurred during hypergene stage and burial stage ; and the tectonism is the condition of influencing the connectivity among various reservoir bodies and among the storage rooms within a single reservoir body

  • Fullfiling nationally funded item of national nature foundation ultrastructure and characteristical alteration of acetamide timber key technological problem tackling item in china technological studies of timber functionality improvement and several other major science and technology items works

  • Key concepts : rise of piano, standardisation of the orchestra, sonata form, chamber music, symphony, balance, enlightenment, absolute music, concerto, homophonic


    key drive magnet, key river valleys and regions, key sending position, key-factor analysis, key-generator output, key-hole neck


    英語學習資源 免費學 職場人際關係
      英文news 英語單字 國文家教人際溝通 台灣英檢 全民英檢中高全民英檢考試 線上學英文單字打工遊學 如何教英文聽英文翻譯 兒童英文家教 線上德文旅遊英文教學 高中英文教學 多益課程商務英語課程 情境會話 全民英檢中高級考試時間旅遊英文電子書 空中英語線上英文 托福 補習外籍英文家教行情 考英文
