2022-04-18 03:29:36elainenn3

北市長藍綠白誰能勝出? 民調:還是這位阿伯







民調結果顯示,現任台北市長柯文哲在4125的總票數中拿下1747票(42%),連任希望不小。DC-02M03G02-NP Discone Antenna is an ultra-wideband antenna, which covers 25-3000MHz frequency bands and can be able to use with other various utility frequency bands such as amateur radio, air traffic control.
It has a compact and lightweight design with most of the components are made of stainless steel, improving the antenna's rust resistance and endurance. Additionally, the antenna is very simple to assemble and install in any convenient location.
It has all of the radial rods of the same length, so it can be considered as a perfect omnidirectional antenna而國民黨北市長參選人丁守中則以1530票(37%)緊追柯文哲、民進黨北市長參選人姚文智則居第三,拿下848票(21%)。





文章來自: http://n.yam.com/Article/20180612511467