2011-11-30 07:44:52scott


來自芬蘭阿爾托大學(Aalto University)與美國華盛頓大學(University of Washington)的研究人員合作開發了一種新式隱形眼鏡原型,可做為即時免持式顯示器使用;而且這種電腦化的隱形眼鏡據說已經透過動物眼睛的實際測試,證實安全無虞。

  雖然目前該隱形眼鏡的顯示解析度僅有單一像素,但研究人員已經將之視為可製作多像素(multiple pixels)隱形眼鏡的概念驗證(proof-of-concept),未來可大量應用於直接在使用者眼前顯示短信或簡訊。該種隱形眼鏡內含天線,會採集來自外部電源的能量;此外還有一顆IC用以儲存能量,並將電力送至內含藍光LED的透明藍寶石晶片。
  現在研究人員需要克服的一個最主要問題,就是人眼的最小焦距為數公分,會無法分辨顯示在隱形眼鏡上的景物,因此所有投射在眼鏡上的資訊會是模糊的。為了解決這個問題,研究人員還在隱形眼鏡顯示裝置中加入了一組菲涅爾透鏡(Fresnel lenses),這種透鏡比傳統的笨重透鏡薄且平坦,用以聚焦投射在視網膜上的影像。
  「我們需要強化天線的設計與相關的配套網路,還要最佳化資訊傳輸頻率,以達成在無線功率傳輸範圍內的整體改善;」華盛頓大學電機工程系教授Babak Praviz表示:「我們的下一個目標則是要把一些預定的文字資訊加入隱形眼鏡中。」

By David Ponce

Researchers from the University of Washington and Aalto University Finland have developed a prototype contact lens that contains a single LED pixel, a custom made integrated circuit and an antenna. They then tried the lens on live rabbits (under general anesthesia for comfort) with no adverse effects.


The display consists of an antenna, a 500 × 500 µm2 silicon power harvesting and radio integrated circuit, metal interconnects, insulation layers and a 750 × 750 µm2 transparent sapphire chip containing a custom-designed micro-light emitting diode with peak emission at 475 nm, all integrated onto a contact lens. The display can be powered wirelessly from ~1 m in free space and ~2 cm in vivo on a rabbit. The display was tested on live, anesthetized rabbits with no observed adverse effect. In order to extend display capabilities, design and fabrication of micro-Fresnel lenses on a contact lens are presented to move toward a multipixel display that can be worn in the form of a contact lens. Contact lenses with integrated micro-Fresnel lenses were also tested on live rabbits and showed no adverse effect.

So yeah, this is very rudimentary but… baby steps, baby steps! And while we don’t expect things to remain at the single-pixel level forever, later iterations will inevitably go up in pixel density very slowly. This means that when the first commercial generations reach the consumer level, it will likely only be for displaying things like text. But as the technology is further developed, we have no doubt that always-on alternate/augmented reality will become possible.

We’re several years away, but there you have it. Barring accidental death, if you’re under 60 today, there’s a good chance you will live to see this happen.