2019-01-27 02:58:43dtntd7j7xjbn

【找便宜】kiddy Buggy Urban Star 1 選購指南團購熱門產品

這幾天小光來我家玩,看到kiddy Buggy Urban Star 1


急性子的小光卻要我馬上陪他去買kiddy Buggy Urban Star 1


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kiddy Buggy Urban Star 1










Kiddy Buggy Urban Star 1 設計式樣: Summer Blue · 2019

Bright colours and the prominent Kiddy stars add an incomparable look to the compact Kiddy Buggy Urban Star 1. The smallest among us will enjoy many relaxing trips in this trendy companion.

The backrest can be adjusted single-handedly in several different levels from a sitting position into a recline position. If the three-fold adjustable footrest is set accordingly, you can create a comfortable, flat lying position for your child.

The buggy's swivel front wheels and its extraordinary rear wheels' suspension contribute to its easy manoeuvrability which comes in super handy when strolling through town. The particularly tough wheels, made of PU, are much more resilient and durable than standard wheels. Thus, their surface hardly wears off even when used for a long time. That is why, these wheels are maintenance-free and absolutely breakdown-proof. High driving quality for mom and dad is supplied by the height-adjustable push bar - this way, the buggy adapts perfectly to your size and makes pushing super easy while keeping you free from any back pain.

The Urban Star 1 can be adapted perfectly to your little one's growth. A special feature of this buggy is its height-adjustable sun canopy which can also be extended gradually to the front so that it fits both small and taller passengers. The harness is equipped with extra-soft pads and can be adjusted in two different height positions.

Create a compact size in two easy steps! This feature will delight all active and flexible parents: The Urban Star 1 can be folded easily and in no time at all. When collapsed the buggy reaches a free standing position and a space-saving size perfect for transporting it on the train or in the car or else storing it at home. The perfect companion for on the go.


  • Age suitability: from 3 years and up /maximum weight: 15 kg

  • Integrated five-point harness (height adjustable in two different levels) with soft padding

  • Backrest can be adjusted into a full recline position, 3-fold adjustable footrest

  • Height-adjustable sun canopy can be extended in 4 different stages

  • PU-wheels, durable, breakdown-proof, lockable swivel front wheels, parking brake, rear wheels' suspension

  • 選購指南團購熱門產品
  • Height-adjustable push bar (up to 103 cm)
  • 便宜團購

  • Size unfolded: 103 x 52 x 84 cm, size folded: 56 x 52 x 34 cm

  • Weight: 7,4 kg




kiddy Buggy Urban Star 1







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(封面圖/翻攝畫面、Google Map)

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