2007-12-18 12:12:04快樂的轉圈圈
Paper 上可以放中文名字
submit paper 後, journal 有提供 status check 的功能, 所以我沒事就去 check 一下. 今天看到一個有趣的發文, APS 的 journal 之後提供刊登中文名字. 這真是一大好消息. :) 我以前在美國演講時, 總是愛把我的印章印在我的 title page. 或者如果可能給人我的 reprint 時也是愛印上我的印章. 用比較 artistic method 來 show 我的中文名字.
Editorial: Which Wei Wang?
The APS journals receive manuscripts from scientists all over the world. For authors whose names cannot be expressed in Latin characters, their names in the byline must be transliterated, a process that is not necessarily bidirectionally unique. For example, the eight Chinese names 王伟,王薇,王维, 王蔚,汪卫,汪玮,汪威, and汪巍all transliterate as Wei Wang. To remove some of the ambiguity arising from this unfortunate degeneracy of names, APS will allow some authors the option to include their names in their own language in parentheses after the transliterated name, such as Wei Wang (汪卫). The option to present names in the article by line in this manner is an experiment initially offered to Chinese, Japanese, and Korean authors, whose names can be expressed in Unicode characters. An example of a Japanese name
is Tadanori Minamisono (南園忠則), and a Korean name is Chang Kee Jung (정창기). In the English text the given name precedes the family name, while the reverse is true for the characters. As we gain experience, we may be able to broaden this offer to other languages. Authors who wish to try this option will need to prepare their manuscripts by following the special instructions at http://authors.aps.org/names.html.
Editorial: Which Wei Wang?
The APS journals receive manuscripts from scientists all over the world. For authors whose names cannot be expressed in Latin characters, their names in the byline must be transliterated, a process that is not necessarily bidirectionally unique. For example, the eight Chinese names 王伟,王薇,王维, 王蔚,汪卫,汪玮,汪威, and汪巍all transliterate as Wei Wang. To remove some of the ambiguity arising from this unfortunate degeneracy of names, APS will allow some authors the option to include their names in their own language in parentheses after the transliterated name, such as Wei Wang (汪卫). The option to present names in the article by line in this manner is an experiment initially offered to Chinese, Japanese, and Korean authors, whose names can be expressed in Unicode characters. An example of a Japanese name
is Tadanori Minamisono (南園忠則), and a Korean name is Chang Kee Jung (정창기). In the English text the given name precedes the family name, while the reverse is true for the characters. As we gain experience, we may be able to broaden this offer to other languages. Authors who wish to try this option will need to prepare their manuscripts by following the special instructions at http://authors.aps.org/names.html.