2005-06-26 00:04:41瑞野

Good Bye! My friends!

Yesterday my host family set up a fairwell party for me, I invited some friends came to my house.
It is a small party but nice and warm, we played and sign yearbooks for each other.
I felt full of love and happiness, thank you all my friends, you brought the light to my life and also inspired my soul. How can I thank you all?
I was very happy yesterday, I didn't think about my leaving. I pretend that I still will live in Guilford and tomorrow, we will see each other again. But, the truth is: I will leave next Tuesday and after that, when will I meet my friends again?
I have so many good friends here this year. I love them and they all love me too. I can't imange the life without them, how dark and sad it will be. I always have their encouragement and surrport. How can I survive without them?
i didn't sleep alomst all night. I cried in my bed and miss the people who probably I will never see again. I am disspress.....
"You surive in the worset time, the time will bring you to worthy place...The way is over is you time."--"Season"
I am so gald that I become an exchang student this year, it is a such beautiful memory for me. Please remember.