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Understanding Missio inter Gentes

Understanding Missio inter Gentes

12 April 2021

(ANS – Rome) – “Missio inter gentes” is a neologism, therefore it is important to correctly understand the term because it has profound consequences in our missionary activities today.

After Vatican II, unease grew in Asia – a land of ancient religions, rich cultures and myriads of poor people – about “missio ad gentes”. It was perceived as an insensitive monologue that created a relationship of teacher-pupil, foreign missionary-local people. In fact, St. John Paul II had lamented that Christianity is still considered “foreign” in Asia, even though Jesus was born in this continent! (Ecclesia in Asia n. 2).

Unlike foreign missionaries, a growing number of missionaries from Asia and Africa now working in their own continents, have breathed multiculturalism and interculturalism from birth. They have direct personal experience of the poorest contexts since childhood. They see their missionary activity, less as a direct proclamation of the Gospel and more as the incarnation of the teachings and person of Jesus through the witness of love and service.

“Missio inter gentes” is not in opposition but complementary to “missio ad gentes”. What distinguishes “missio ad gentes” from “missio inter gentes” are their two preceding prepositions which specify the attitude towards the “gentes”.  The preposition “ad” indicates an attitude which sees the other as the goal, the point of arrival, the receiver.  While “inter” indicates being in the midst of people establishing a relational connectedness with them. 

“Missio inter gentes” is a way of proclaiming Christ by living the evangelical values. It advocates that missionaries serve people with respect, and humbly share their lives without any trace of arrogance or superiority, just as Jesus did. The charitable activities of individual Christians and the entire ecclesial community reincarnate the face of Christ. It is this lived experience of Christianity, through the action of the Holy Spirit, that could stir up the desire to know the person of Jesus.

“Missio inter gentes” is a missionary approach, applicable in every context, that sees the “gentes” not as targets of our efforts to convert, but as “guests” to whom we can offer hospitality, and “hosts” who can, in turn, welcome us and offer us friendship. This is not a silent, wordless witness. The Gospel is shared by narrating one’s own experience of faith among (inter) friends of other cultures and religions and by whispering the Gospel at opportune and unexpected moments.

The heart of “missio inter gentes” is initial proclamation. Thus, its primary concern is to foster initial proclamation and not to teach Christological doctrines or to convert. Conversion is God’s internal call and the person’s free decision, not our work! By living our life in permanent state of mission, we shall not be timid when the Holy Spirit opens the door for us to proclaim Jesus Christ as the Saviour!

Fr Alfred Maravilla, SDB

General Councillor for Missions

Agenzia Info Salesiana - Ans






1. Divinely sent to the nations of the world to be unto them "a universal sacrament of salvation,"(1) the Church, driven by the inner necessity of her own catholicity, and obeying the mandate of her Founder (cf. Mark 16:16), strives ever to proclaim the Gospel to all men. The Apostles themselves, on whom the Church was founded, following in the footsteps of Christ, "preached the word of truth and begot churches."(2) It is the duty of their successors to make this task endure "so that the word of God may run and be glorified (2 Thess. 3:1) and the kingdom of God be proclaimed and established throughout the world.


In the present state of affairs, out of which there is arising a new situation for mankind, the Church, being the salt of the earth and the light of the world (cf. Matt. 5:13-14), is more urgently called upon to save and renew every creature, that all things may be restored in Christ and all men may constitute one family in Him and one people of God.


Therefore, this sacred synod, while rendering thanks to God for the excellent results that have been achieved through the whole Church's great - hearted endeavor, desires to sketch the principles of missionary activity and to rally the forces of all the faithful in order that the people of God, marching along the narrow way of the Cross, may spread everywhere the reign of Christ, Lord and overseer: of the ages (cf. Ecc. 36:19), and may prepare the way for his coming.







ARTICLE 1: Christian Witness


ARTICLE 2: Preaching the Gospel and Gathering together the People of God


ARTICLE 3: Forming a Christian Community
















42. The council Fathers together with the Roman Pontiff, feeling deeply their duty to spread everywhere the Kingdom of God, lovingly salute all heralds of the Gospel, and especially those who suffer persecution for the name of Christ, being made partakers of their sufferings.(13)


They are afire with that same love with which Christ burned toward men. But aware that it is God who brings it about that His Kingdom should come on earth, they pour forth their prayers together with all the Christian faithful, that through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, Queen of the Apostles, the nations may soon be led to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim. 2:4) and the glory of God which shines on the face of Jesus Christ may shine upon all men through the Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 4:6).
