2021-02-23 21:56:07綠茶




After being baptized in 2012, I increasingly began  to be attracted to consecrated life. I could not quite understand what aconsecrated life is like until  I first time  experienced the comunity prayer (Evening Prayer) with xxx Priests and Brothers. I was impressed by the brotherhood and truly felt at home at that gathering.
Along with studying and reflecting on the history of xxx, I am  inspired by missionaries who go beyond geographical boundaries to share Jesus Christ to people in different cultures.
The more I attend xxx events, the more I desire to be one of xxx members.
"Always rejoice. Pray without ceasing. In all things give thanks". (1 Thessalonians 5:16~18) I am grateful for everything that has happened to me, especially for the encounter with xxx. With God's grace and the intercession of our holy mother,  my dream  can hopefully come true by joining xxx and carrying on the  journey of evangelization.
來源:LINE 群組
這首歌是德國神學家潘霍華最後之詩作 1944年12月
他因為反抗納粹而身處監獄 卻寫下這首充滿美善光明
和內在平安的詩 寄給他的未婚妻和家人 1945年4月
9日 年僅39歲的潘霍華在德國集中營被槍決
讓我與你們走過這些日子 並與你們踏入新的一年
所有美善力量都奇妙遮蓋 奇妙地安慰保守每一天
所有美善力量都奇妙遮蓋 不論如何都期盼那安慰 
在晚上早上每個新的一天 天主都將會與我們同在
若祢給我們遞來沉重苦杯 滿溢著憂愁痛苦的苦杯
主啊 從祢良善慈愛的聖手 毫不顫抖心存感謝領受
主啊 若你願意再賞賜我們世上歡樂以及陽光亮麗
讓我們紀念過去美妙歲月 把我們生命完全交託
主啊 若祢願意再賞賜我們 世上歡樂以及陽光亮麗
今天請讓燭火溫暖地燃燒 是祢帶給黑暗中的我們
或許這會引領我們再相聚 明白祢的光 在黑夜照耀
所有美善力量都奇妙遮蓋 不論如何都期盼那安慰 
在晚上早上每個新的一天 天主都將會與我們同在
寂靜深深地 圍繞我們展開 讓我們聽見 那豐富響聲
從周遭無形世界 向外擴展 凡祢兒女 盡都高聲歌頌
所有美善力量都奇妙遮蓋 不論如何都期盼那安慰 
在晚上早上每個新的一天 天主都將會與我們同在
感人至深 就像一個祈禱 內在的避靜 在黑暗中的光明
期盼那安慰 那奇妙地安慰保守我們每一天的美善力量 
感謝讚美天主 阿們


Dear xxxx:

I am happy to write a report to reflect on life with xxxx.

I came to the Holy xxx parish in the middle of March 2021, beginning to experience a new lifestyle. From Monday through Friday, during the daytime, I work at the old-people daycare center, learning to care for old people there, particularly those who are weak mentally. For the rest of time, I take part iin parish activities in the Holy xxx parish.

At the daycare center, experience and knowledge other than parish activities are gained. For instance, the syndrome and characteristics of Alzheimer Disease and related rementia. Furthermore, treatments for those diseases are also leraned by the means of books, DVD, and movies.

Community Prayer is held in the morning and in the evening. In addition, courses related to xxxx are given: history, spirituality and initial formation. All these courses together are leading me to becoming a xxxx missionary.

The Essential Traits of xxxx and spirituality have been given as follows: 

Missionaries, Sent to the Nations.,

Universal Love in Christ.,

Religious Life at the Service of the Mission.,

A Preference for the Poor,

Following Jesus.

Keeping in mind the Essential Traits, I try to be aware of the ongoing orientation to the Mission. That is, I am dwelling in the formation for the missionary apostolate. I live and move in anticipation of becoming a missionary.

How can I live out and enjoy these Essential Traits of xxxx? I regard them as fragrance and melody. They can not be seen, but do exist. I enjoy the lifestyle right now as if I were surrounded by lovely fragrance and melody, deep joy in my heart.

Interacting with the old people at the daycare center, I encounter with different religious traditions and cultures. Some speak Taiwanese and Japanese and some can possibly speak only Mandarin while the others can speak both Mandarin and Taiwanese. Meanwhile, some of them are weak mentally to different extents.

I learn something new and something not familiar with in order to serve at the daycare center which can be regarded as the service of the mission entrusted to xxxx. All activities I participate in are preparing me for total commitment to xxxx.

How can I  evangelize at a place where anything related to politics, religion and personal life can not be talked about? It is love that can go beyond any boundary and integrate people into a certain sign of oneness. This is an important thing I have to learn in a sprit of listening,  respect and openness[2].


Who says: "Be still and confess that I am God! I am exalted among the nations, exalted on the earth. (Psalms 46:11)

Without the grace of God, I am but nothing and capable of nothing. The only thing I can do is to let the hand of God shape me.

It is not thou that sharpest God, it is God that sharpest thee. If then thou art the work of God, await the hand of the Artist who does all things in due seasons. Offer Him thy heart, soft and tractable, and keep the form in which the Artist has fashioned thee. (St. Ireneus)

I walk to the old-people daycare center every work day, passing through a very busy street on which many people and automobiles are going and coming. The busy scenery is, to some extent, like a symbol of the secular world in which I myself once have been through.

Jesus, looking at him, love him and said to him, "You are lacking one thing...." (Mark 10:21) For me, the 'one thing'  here would probably have been the consecrated life[1]. Therefore, I began the discernment of vocation and the vocation is embodied in the xxxx vision and mission. That is why I am on the busy street pondering the transformation in life now.

How precious is the opportunity  to experience the difference between the secular and the consecrated life! How joyful is the moment right now! Thanks be to God!

My ears had heard of you, but now my eyes have seen you.(Job 46:4) If 'You'  is replaced with 'the consecrated life, these words are just to express my feelings.

God has done for me at a time when he has granted me an opportunity to experience a special journey. And I would like to regard the journey as if it were an invitation to a wedding feast. 

You are beautiful, my love, oh, how beautiful you are! Your eyes behind your veil are doves. (Song of Songs 4:1)

The eyes behind the veil are of xxxx and Jesus shall have been looking at me with these two eyes. I am happy and ready to attend the feast with joy.

Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature. (Mark 16:15)


[1] The Consecrated Life, deeply rooted in the example and teaching of Christ the Lord, is a gift of God the Father to his Church through the Holy Spirit. ...and the eyes of the faithful are directed towards the mystery of the Kingdom of God already at work in history, even as it awaits its full realization in heaven. (VITA CONSECRATA OF THE HOLY FATHER JOHN PAUL II)



19 We study other religious traditions and try to understand them from within. We try to discern God's presence in their faith, their history, their culture and their life.

20 During initial formation we look for friendly contacts with other Christian Churches, and wherever possible, with believers of other religious traditions. Our missionary presence among them expresses itself in a spirit of listening, respect and openness. (xxxx General Guidelines for Initial Formation Roma 1990)


In Peace,

John (of the Cross) Chen

I am writing to express my willingness to join xxx Postulancy program.
After being baptized in 2012, I increasingly began to be attracted to consecrated life.
With God's grace, I have joined Aspirancy program, living in a xxx community since the middle of March 2021.
With the help of xxx fathers in Taiwan, I came to know xxx history, spirituality, the formation program, and missionary involvement around the world. These led me to be more attracted by the congregation. In addition, the more I attend xxx events, the more I desire to become a xxx religious missionary. That is why I am taking this opportunity to express my willingness to join xxx formation program.
"Always rejoice. Pray without ceasing. In all things give thanks". (1 Thessalonians 5:16~18) I am grateful for everything that has happened to me, especially for the encounter with xxx. With God's grace and the intercession of our Blessed Mother, my dream can hopefully come true by joining xxx and carrying on the journey of evangelization.
I am happy to write a report as follows:
Since the daycare center was closed because of the pandemic(the level 3 alert), I experienced a chang in 'the initial formation'.  There was no need for me to go out and serve the old people any more. Instead, I stayed at the parish almost all the time, unless it was necessary to go shopping for food.
There was more time for me to study and to pray. There was more time for the spirituality session as well. Furthermore, indoor games and the Recorder became a part of the recreation, contributing to the harmony in the community.
Everyday movements and activities were restricted as if we had been forced to stay in an ark floating on invisible water. My mood sometimes rose with the wave of the pandemic and it was still unknown when the water would fade away. Things seemed to have happened unexpectedly. Though,  "throughout our lives, a dynamic interplay takes place between God's guidance and our wholehearted response in creative fidelity".[1] What a high time for me right now  to pray and to be aware of the importance of faith! It is said that creatures began to prosper because people were restricted at home. Is this not a time of purification for both the nature outside and my mind inside? God's plan is always the best, isn't it?
"How unsearchable are his ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord or who has been his counsellor?" (Romans 11:34)
Recently, I happened to read the stories of some saints. I like the motto of St. Bonaventure: “Do common things well and be constantly faithful to small matters.”[2]
May I keep going forward under His "formation".
[1] #2, page 6, General Guidelines for Initial Formation Rome 2002
[2] Rather than being caught up in accomplishing “great” things for God, Bonaventure sought to glorify God in the faithful achievement of the ordinary. He lived his life by the motto: “Do common things well and be constantly faithful to small matters.”
Hello father,
I would like to share some reflections:
I remember I read a story about Pope Leo XIII (1810 – 1903). He saw or heard a vision in which the Lord gave the devil 75~100 years to show its evil power. After the vision the pope quickly wrote up Prayer to the Archangel Michael. The prayer had, for a period, been recited at the end of Mass.
Nowadays, we can see the moral corruption of the world that can possibly be attributed to the devil’s hard work. The definition of marriage has also been changed here in Taiwan. Referendum 2018 saw the victory of tradition, but the results have not been carried out (or have been deceitfully carried out). Therefore, the last chance of moral restoration has been destroyed by the political authority. Political figures or parties who stick to traditional moral standards will finally be faded out by democracy because our educational textbooks have been polluted. What a great movement that has changed the world! On the other hand, we heard about God’s wrath in the message of Our Lady of Fatima and Akita.
Where is God? God's grace is always there when people decide to repent and turn to him. When we as sinners look at the history of Church, we cannot help but feel humble. What we can do is to pray fervently ourselves because it has been more and more difficult to teach people God’s justice and the devil’s plans.

Our Lady of Las Lajas 為我等祈
1754 年,印第安人、波托西酋長的後裔瑪麗亞·穆塞斯·德·奎尼奧內斯(Maria Mueses de Quiñónez)……在懸崖上發現了一個洞穴,並在其中躲避颱風。然而,她的痛苦並沒有減輕,因為據說在那些地方,魔鬼的幻影是司空見慣的。 ...瑪麗亞為了懇求保護而誦唸玫瑰經,這是該地區非常流行的祈禱。祈禱完,她感覺到有人碰了碰自己的肩膀,但轉身看向身後,卻不見人影……嚇得她從避難所逃了出來,儘管有一個神秘的吸引力在勸她不要離開那片區域。
母女倆開始每天都去那個地方,向他們的女士獻上沿途採摘的野花和手工製作的蠟燭。 ......有一天小羅莎病重而死。瑪麗亞痛哭流涕,因為她剛剛失去了婚姻的唯一果實,失去了守寡的支持。然而,她毅然決然,滿懷信心,決定將女兒的屍體抬到白娘子的石窟。當她到達那裡時,她將屍體放在天后的腳下,回憶起她和羅莎經常用來裝飾她的蠟燭和鮮花,她請求她的女兒復活。聖母被瑪麗亞的母愛和孝順的懇求所感動,使孩子恢復了生機。
帶著極大的激動和欣喜,這位印第安婦女和她的女兒趕緊到伊皮亞萊斯鎮宣布這件事。 ...教區神父加布里埃爾·維拉弗爾特嚴厲警告瑪麗亞,如果是魔鬼的騙局,她將被魔鬼無情地扔進河裡……
幾天后,信徒組織了一次從伊皮亞萊斯到大約 7 公里外的洞穴的朝聖活動。信徒們帶著黎明的第一縷曙光來到了這裡,但從山洞裡發出的光芒比太陽還要耀眼,美麗非凡。不再有懷疑的餘地,因為所有人都欣喜若狂地凝視著奇蹟:聖母的畫出現在岩石上,正如《啟示錄(默示錄)》中所描述的:“一個女人披著太陽,腳下踩著月亮,頭戴十二星的冠冕”(啟 12:1)。她右手拿著玫瑰念珠,左手抱著孩子,旁邊還有另外兩個人物,傳統上認為他們是聖方濟和聖道明。此事發生在 1754 年 9 月 15 日。
1916年1月,現在的新哥特式建築開始建造。 建築師僱傭了對建築一無所知的簡單農民,並設法將它“懸停”在安第斯山脈的一個峽谷上空。 不幸的是,由於哥倫比亞戰火紛飛,主教未能親眼目睹該項目的完成...... 
在這位具有“戰勝邪惡的特性,以及保護、支持和鼓勵她的孩子與魔鬼、世界和肉體的鬥爭”的母后跟前,……我們將能夠面對 任何風暴都不受干擾,充滿信心,因為沒有什麼能動搖我們!
(Google 翻譯並修正)
方濟會士介紹 Our Lady of Las Lajas
Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle. (2 Thessalonians 2:15)
For early Protestant Church, it might be a common sense or a 'tradition', which should be hold, to pray to saints, somehow the tradition has been lost.
Martin Luther's teachings about Mary (a saint)
“Is Christ only to be adored? Or is the holy Mother of God rather not to be honoured? This is the woman who crushed the Serpent’s head. Hear us. For your Son denies you nothing.” (From Luther’s last sermon at Wittenberg in January 1546.) [Weimar edition of Martin Luther’s Works, English translation edited by J. Pelikan [Concordia: St. Louis], Volume 51, 128-129.]
James 3:6
... it sets fire to the whole wheel of creation. (New Jerusalem Bible)
... setting the entire course of our lives on fire, ... (New American Bible)
... and inflameth the wheel of our nativity, ... (Douay version)
... It infects the whole being and sets fire to our world ... (CCB version)
... and inflameth the wheel of our nativity, ...(NAB-Vatican version)
... 燃燒生命的輪子。 (香港思高聖經學會網上聖經) 箴 16:27; 26:18-21;德28:10-30
James 3:6~10 (New American Bible)
In the same way the tongue is a small member and yet has great pretensions. Consider how small a fire can set a huge forest ablaze.
The tongue is also a fire. It exists among our members as a world of malice, defiling the whole body and setting the entire course of our lives on fire, itself set on fire by Gehenna.
For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has been tamed by the human species,
but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.
With it we bless the Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings who are made in the likeness of God.
From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. This need not be so, my brothers.
James 3:1-10
The tongue cannot be tamed
Only a few of you, my brothers, should be teachers, bearing in mind that those of us who teach can expect a stricter judgement.
After all, every one of us does something wrong, over and over again; the only man who could reach perfection would be someone who never said anything wrong – he would be able to control every part of himself. Once we put a bit into the horse’s mouth, to make it do what we want, we have the whole animal under our control. Or think of ships: no matter how big they are, even if a gale is driving them, the man at the helm can steer them anywhere he likes by controlling a tiny rudder. So is the tongue only a tiny part of the body, but it can proudly claim that it does great things. Think how small a flame can set fire to a huge forest; the tongue is a flame like that. Among all the parts of the body, the tongue is a whole wicked world in itself: it infects the whole body; catching fire itself from hell, it sets fire to the whole wheel of creation. Wild animals and birds, reptiles and fish can all be tamed by man, and often are; but nobody can tame the tongue – it is a pest that will not keep still, full of deadly poison. We use it to bless the Lord and Father, but we also use it to curse men who are made in God’s image: the blessing and the curse come out of the same mouth. My brothers, this must be wrong.
Exorcisms & The Horrors of Possession | The UnXplained (Season 3)
烏克蘭與俄羅斯有何深仇大恨? 同祖先卻「恩怨千年」竟與他們有關

