2016-09-07 14:01:11綠茶

The Election…and Other Potential Triggers

The Election…and Other Potential Triggers
Posted on August 28, 2016

By Charlie Johnston

Lately I have gotten all sorts of notes and comments that begin, “You say there will be no election…” I have been explaining all year that there could be an election, but it would not ultimately matter.

What I was told in the Spring of 2008 was that Barack Obama would win that year’s election, that he would not finish his full term, and that the next stable national leader would not come from the political system. I understand why people would figure that meant there would be no election this year. It is the most obvious scenario, but it is not the only scenario in which it would fit. There could be an election in which things explode after the election, but before an inauguration. In another scenario, President Obama could assume emergency powers and extend his term indefinitely, in which case it would end abruptly with the coup that would inevitably follow. There are a few other exotic scenarios, but it is not important to list them. The key is that many folks have zeroed into the most likely scenario as being the only possible scenario. Specific messages are not given so that you know the mind of God, but to alert you to watch and wait – that when you see events that match with the message given – whether in the way you expect or in an unexpected way – to see the spiritual reality behind those temporal events. It is a mile marker on God’s unfolding plan, not a roadmap.

I have told you two things that are definitive: that after Barack Obama failed to finish his full term the next stable national leader would not come from the political system and that the Rescue will come late in 2017 after all have lost hope. Hope WILL be an act of the will then, so you must gird your loins for the time when there is no cause for hope other than your faith – and your faith must be much more than a fluffy, comforting emotion when that time comes. I did NOT tell you about the fractured transfer of power coming so you would know the mind of God and confidently espouse details of His secret plan. I told you almost solely so that when it happens, whether in the way you expect or in a different way that matches the specific message I have conveyed, it will give you confidence that I have told you true concerning the Rescue. As society crumbles ever more frantically, you are really going to need that assurance then to fortify yourself for the rest of the Storm. But you are still going to have to CHOOSE faith. It all comes down to choosing. God does not allow us the luxury of being spectators or judges this time around. We must be determined participants in the Rescue or be washed away with the tide of accelerating events.

A strange thing has been happening this year. Secular officials have been unobtrusively coming to my presentations and privately introducing themselves afterwards: judges, prosecutors, military officers, public administrators, doctors, aides to legislators. I would mention financial and economic officials, but they have been here since near the start. Privately, rare is the week when I don’t hear from some old secular colleague telling me with some wonder that I have been right all along, then asking what should they do. (My answer is well-worn: acknowledge God, take the next right step, and be a sign of hope – but I generally expand a bit on how to do that in their particular circumstances). At the same time, a few of those who greeted me with early hope are shaken because things have not played out quite as they expected. Some are even blinded to the visible unraveling of all the social safeguards because of their expectation (and sometimes quiet hope) that all would be in ashes by now. I understand. I have my own expectations, too. I was taught a long time ago, though, that my expectations would kill me: that I, too, was not to be privy to the fullness of the mind of God. So I deal with those things that are given clearly, interpret as best I can those that are not, and am rarely disturbed when something that is not given clearly plays out in a different way than I expected.

Right now, we are not traversing a field that has a landmine in it; we are trying to traverse a densely populated minefield. Throughout the world, China, Russia, North Korea, ISIS, Iran (just to name a few) have murderously aggressive designs. (For those who note that I say Russia will end up being America’s most steadfast ally in the final stages of the Storm, it WILL be, but it is not yet. It might have already been if America had not become so irresponsibly feckless and unreliable. Like every other entity, it is trying to find its way to survive in a visibly collapsing world order). The primary purpose of national governments seems to have becoming protecting thugs from the police, rather than protecting people from thugs. That never ends well. One of the triggers that not one in a thousand really understands is the cushion America gets by holding the dollar as the world’s default currency. Since most global debts are issued in dollars, America can get away with printing money that has no relation to productivity or reality. But the dollar did not become the default currency by divine right. It became the default currency because, for the last century and a half, it was the most stable currency in the world – and officials of both parties took great pains not to venture into extreme currency manipulation so as not to forfeit that status. Now, the United States has become to currency what it has become to allies; entirely unreliable. China, in particular, has for the last five or six years been courting other nations to dump the dollar as the default currency. The biggest assault yet to try to get the dollar dumped will happen later next week. If the dollar ceased to be the default currency, you could see things tank within a day. It certainly would not be more than a few weeks before crash was complete. Imagine if you got up one morning and all your credit and debit cards were cancelled and, oh, by the way, your cash is no good either. That is about what it would mean if the dollar ceased to be the default currency – only for everyone, not just for you.

If it happens, the election itself could become a triggering event. A few weeks back, President Obama mused that he could have accepted a victory by a John McCain or a Mitt Romney, but he just could not accept a victory by Donald Trump. What does that mean? Is it just random musing or laying groundwork? If Trump won, particularly if he won handily, it would expose that, despite the collaboration of media and academia, the anti-God left had lost control of the country. Despite that, Obama and the left have defied the law with impunity almost throughout his term with a few yelps of opposition, but no effective resistance from the right. It could trigger that often talked about, but very rare, genuine false flag event to justify the assumption of emergency powers. And then we are in the whirlwind.

This is the Year of Mercy. So long as there is one more righteous man that can be squeezed from these ominous events, God restrains the full fury of the Storm. I pray that collapse comes before the end of the Year of Mercy, for that way, people will be able to find their way back to God fairly easily even after the collapse. It is going to be a brutally hard path back for those who are still given over to vanity and wickedness after the Year of Mercy ends.

It has been an eventful roller coaster of a year throughout the world. But this next year is going to make it look, by comparison, like a drive through the flat prairies of the American Midwest. I have never told you the things I have in order that you would know how what must happen will happen, but in an effort to exhort you to choose to trust and follow God. You do that by the ordinary way of acknowledging Him, taking the next right step, and being a sign of hope to those around you  – by doing the little that you can that is right in front of you. I did not tell you about the disrupted transfer of power ahead so you would know the mind of God, but as a sign to exhort and encourage you to choose trust in Him and the ordinary way, to fortify you for the fearful year leading up to Rescue.. When it happens, if you take it as evidence that you have figured things out, you will faint in terror early on – for whatever your expectations, much of them will be dramatically wrong. You must choose to trust your heavenly Father like a child through this horrible year. Nothing less will suffice.

If, next January, Barack Obama peacefully hands over the reins of power to Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, I will declare myself unreliable and go away. But it will not happen that way, for God has appointed that this be a sign to you to fortify you to trust Him and choose the ordinary way to follow Him through the most frightening year for the globe in history. I appeal to you to quit trying to flatter yourself that you have figured out how God is going to accomplish this, for that way leads to destruction. Trust Him and follow Him whatever happens.

I have told you true.


Election Day
Posted on November 7, 2016 by charliej373
By Charlie Johnston
I figure today, tomorrow and the day after I will get a lot of questions on the election. Some are newbies who honestly don’t know what I have said about it. Others are samplers of the site who have mixed in what I have said with things that others errantly say I have said. Still others are just trolls. It can be hard to tell the difference sometimes – and I can get crabby about answering the same thing over and over again. So I write this quick summary with links to old articles so I can just cite this piece.
What I was told eight and a half years ago was that Obama would be elected president, he would lead us into the Storm, would not finish his full term – and would live to repent and convert long after he had left the world in ashes. I was told that our next national leader would NOT come from the political system. Many people (including me sometimes) have considered that the most likely way that would play out would be that there would be no election. But as I wrote last January in “Through a Glass Darkly,” that is not the only scenario that would fit that prophecy. The critical day is not election day, but inauguration day – on January 20, 2017.
Those who ask if I will declare myself a false prophet if the election proceeds Tuesday either are not actually aware of the specific language of the prophecy – or are just trying to foment mischief and confusion.
If, on January 20, Obama peacefully transfers power to either Trump or Clinton, I will declare myself unreliable and retire into silence, as I wrote in August in this piece. While I will enter into silence, I most certainly will not declare myself a false prophet. I have been right on the big sweep of things. But I will consider myself unreliable at a time when we need solid reliability.
In the end, the purpose of telling you these things had nothing to do with letting you know details of the progress of the Storm. The Storm  would have come whether I was here or not. Rather, it was to give you confidence that I have told you true when I speak of the Rescue that will come late in 2017 – and to encourage you to be a participant in heralding that Rescue, to give you confidence in terrible times when you will really need it.

Election Day

Posted on November 7, 2016 by charliej373
By Charlie Johnston

I figure today, tomorrow and the day after I will get a lot of questions on the election. Some are newbies who honestly don’t know what I have said about it. Others are samplers of the site who have mixed in what I have said with things that others errantly say I have said. Still others are just trolls. It can be hard to tell the difference sometimes – and I can get crabby about answering the same thing over and over again. So I write this quick summary with links to old articles so I can just cite this piece.
What I was told eight and a half years ago was that Obama would be elected president, he would lead us into the Storm, would not finish his full term – and would live to repent and convert long after he had left the world in ashes. I was told that our next national leader would NOT come from the political system. Many people (including me sometimes) have considered that the most likely way that would play out would be that there would be no election. But as I wrote last January in “Through a Glass Darkly,” that is not the only scenario that would fit that prophecy. The critical day is not election day, but inauguration day – on January 20, 2017.
Those who ask if I will declare myself a false prophet if the election proceeds Tuesday either are not actually aware of the specific language of the prophecy – or are just trying to foment mischief and confusion.
If, on January 20, Obama peacefully transfers power to either Trump or Clinton, I will declare myself unreliable and retire into silence, as I wrote in August in this piece. While I will enter into silence, I most certainly will not declare myself a false prophet. I have been right on the big sweep of things. But I will consider myself unreliable at a time when we need solid reliability.
In the end, the purpose of telling you these things had nothing to do with letting you know details of the progress of the Storm. The Storm  would have come whether I was here or not. Rather, it was to give you confidence that I have told you true when I speak of the Rescue that will come late in 2017 – and to encourage you to be a participant in heralding that Rescue, to give you confidence in terrible times when you will really need it.
