2011-01-21 14:44:54慢慢被

PCR Troubleshooting Guide

PCR Troubleshooting Guide

The following guide can be used to troubleshoot PCR reactions. Additional tips for optimizing reactions can be found in the technical reference section of our website.

ObservationPossible Cause(s)   Solution(s)  
Low fidelity polymerase
  • Choose a higher fidelity polymerase
Reaction conditions are not optimal
  • Reduce number of cycles
  • Decrease extension time
  • Decrease Mg++ concentration present in reaction
  • Increase the amount of template present
Desired sequence may be toxic to host
  • Clone into a non-expression vector
  • Use a low-copy number cloning vector
Template DNA has been damaged
  • Start with a fresh template
Faulty primer preparation
  • Repeat reaction with new primers
UV damage
  • UV wavelength exposure time should be limited to 254–312 nm when using a light box to analyze or excise PCR products
Unbalanced nucleotide concentrations
  • Prepare fresh nucleotide mix
  • Verify that primers have no additional complementary regions within the template DNA
Improper Mg++ concentration
  • Adjust Mg++ concentration in 0.5 mM increments
Nuclease contamination
  • Repeat reactions using fresh solutions
NO PRODUCTPrimer annealing temperature too high
Poor primer design
  • Check polymerase datacard/manual for recommended primer design
  • Verify that primers are non-complementary, both internally and to each other
  • Increase length of primer
Poor primer specificity
  • Verify that oligos are complementary to proper target sequence
Insufficient primer concentration
  • Increase primer concentration to 0.1–0.5 µM
Missing reaction component
  • Repeat reaction setup
Target sequence not present in template
  • Try other sources of template DNA
Poor reaction conditions
  • Optimize Mg++ concentration, annealing temperature and extension time
  • Thoroughly mix Mg++ solution
  • Check primer concentrations
  • Perform “Touchdown” PCR
Questionable template quality
  • Analyze DNA via gel electrophoresis after incubation with Mg++
Presence of inhibitor in reaction
  • Decrease sample volume
  • Purify template DNA by alcohol precipitation or drop dialysis
  • Try an extraction-free PCR product, designed for amplification directly in the presence of inhibitors such as blood, plant or animal tissue
Insufficient number of cycles
  • Rerun the reaction with more cycles
Incorrect thermocycler programming
  • Check program, verify times and temperatures
Inconsistent block temperature
  • Test calibration of heating block
Contamination of reaction tubes
or solutions
  • Autoclave tubes prior to use to eliminate biological inhibitors
  • Prepare fresh solutions or use new reagents and new tubes
Complex template
Premature replication
(non-hot start polymerases)
Primer annealing temperature too low
  • Raise annealing temperature in 2°C increments
  • If using Phusion or Phire, verify annealing temperature using Finnzymes Tm calculator
  • Perform “Touchdown” PCR (1)
Insufficient mixing of reaction buffer
  • Thoroughly mix reaction buffer
Incorrect Mg++ concentration
  • Adjust Mg++ concentration in 0.5 mM increments
Poor primer design
  • Verify that primers are non-complementary, both internally and to each other
  • Increase length of primer
  • Avoid GC-rich 3´ ends
Excess primer
  • Reduce primer concentration to 0.1–0.5 µM
Contamination with exogenous DNA
  • Use positive displacement pipettes or non-aerosol tips
  • Set-up dedicated work area and pipettor for reaction setup
  • Wear gloves during reaction setup
Incorrect template concentration
  • Use 1 pg–1 ng/50 µl rxn of phage or plasmid DNA
  • Use 1 ng–1 µg/50 µl rxn of genomic DNA 

還是negative control 有band

1.primer 問題     針對   primer濃度  稀釋後使用看看
2.儲存問題         針對   模版 DNA
3.GEL問題         針對   圖很醜


The Essential PCR Troubleshooting Checklist

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pcr-troubleshooting.jpgRoutine PCR? Let’s be honest, there’s no such thing. Even with the simplest PCR reaction things can go wrong, so you need to have a good checklist of ideas for troubleshooting and rectifying the problem. Today I have brainstormed all of the ways I can think of to approach problems with standard PCR reactions.

I’ve inevitably missed some things out so please chip in if you can think of anything else to add. I will add your ideas to the list to make it a resource we can all refer to.

No amplification

1. Try the reaction again, you may have missed something out.

2. Check that the polymerase buffer has been fully thawed and mixed thoroughly.

3. Check that the primers have been diluted to the correct concentration.

4. Make up a new dNTP solution. dNTPs can be destroyed by repeated freeze-thaw cycles

5. Re-make the template DNA, especially if you are working with genomic DNA. Old stocks may be degraded or sheared.

6. Use a different polymerase. If an amplification is problematic with a proofreading polymerase, I often try using good old Taq and this often solves the problem. Remember to sequence the insert though – if you are lucky there won’t be any significant mutations and you can use the insert as it is. Otherwise, re-do the PCR with a mixture of Taq and 1/10th concentration of your proof-reading enzyme and you should still get the same amplification with a lower error rate.

7. Change the annealling temperature. If the annealling temperature is too high, you obviously won’t get any priming at your desired sequence. On the other hand, an annealing temperature that is too low can result in such non-specific priming that no specific bands arise. The best way to find the optimum temperature is to use a gradient cycler and test a range from the lowest primer Tm to 10 degC below in 1 degC increments.

8. Try reactions with varying template concentrations. Your template concentration may be too low or the concentration of impurities in your prep may be too high. Try 5-10 parallel reactions with concentrations from 10 to 200 ng in a 50 microlitre reaction.

9. Check the cycler – are the temperatures and times as you expect?

10. Try the reaction in another cycler – the calibration of the one you are using may be off.

11. Try an additive. I find that DMSO is especially useful in problematic amplifications.

12. Redesign the primers – try to stick to the guidelines as closely as possible.

Non-specific band amplification

13. Re-do the reaction with a negative control (no template). The non-specific bands could be from contamination of one of your stocks with foreign DNA (probably yours!). If this is a problem, use new stocks, always use autoclaved PCR vials and wear gloves and a lab coat.

14. Increase the annealling temperature. Better yet, use a gradient PCR machine (see 7.)

15. Redesign the primers and make the 3′ longer. The extra bands may be from similar sequences to your target. Increasing the primer length will make them more specific for your target.

16. Increase annealling time if the non-specific products are shorter than your target. If they are longer than you target, reduce the annealling time.

17. Use less DNA template

18. Try touch-down PCR

Weak amplification of your target

19. Reduce the annealling temperature

20. Increase the annealling time

21. Increase primer, template and/or polymerase concentrations

22. Try touch-down PCR

23. Increase the number of cycles

24. Try an additive.

25. Clean up the isolated target and use it as the template in a new reaction.

…now, what have I missed out?


1. Basic PCR Procedure:

The basic PCR procedure includes 3 steps that are repeated 20 - 30 times. The process consists of: 1) denaturing: heating the double stranded DNA (to 90-95 C) to separate the strands, 2) annealing: lowering the temperature to allow primers to bind single stranded DNA, 3) elongation: the DNA polymerase adds nucleotides to the growing strand.

2. Why is Taq DNA polymerase used?

Taq DNA polymerase was isolated from Thermus aquaticus - a thermophilic bacterium. The enzyme is thermostable - even at temperatures over 90 C. The enzyme's ability to withstand the elevated temeratures required for denaturing steps during thermal cycling makes it well suited for the task. The purpose of the enzyme is to extend a DNA primer, using a DNA template.

3. What are PCR primers?

Primers are short synthesized DNA strands - typically 18-25 bp. They are designed to complement the nucleotides on the template DNA at the starting and ending points of the DNA fragment to be synthesized. Primer design is a complex process that involves taking into consideration the melting temperatures and, therefore G-C content. Read more about primer design.