2004-11-01 22:00:56CK

Fahrenheit 911 (華式9/11)

It’s been days I don’t have the internet access. Don’t have to go to work either because of typhoon. And I have cleaned up the toilet and the floor already. And also no much dvd to watch. For all these reasons, I decided to go to the movies for a change, of course when the storm has died out.
It was good that I chose to watch Fahrenheit 9/11 instead of any others.
It was shocking and stimulating. I’ve never seen a movie like that, which made me cry and laugh out loud every now and then during the 2 hours.
It struck me how money corrupts human beings and what greed can do to people or more specifically countries.
Now I finally understand why so many Americans don’t want Bush to be re-elected and why Arabians hate Americans, so much which eventually led to those horrible kidnapping and execution of foreign hostages in Iraq.
It struck me more how scary lies can be. The mother of a dead soldier said, “You think you know, but you don’t. I thought I knew but I didn’t.” Then she burst out crying.
If what Michael Moore tries to tell us in the movie is true, then we’ve all been fooled. If the world had known the relationship between the Bush family and the wealthy Saudi families, and stopped the United States from invading Iraq, the tragedy wouldn’t have happened. Yes, it’s true that Michael Moore did not present a solid proof of any illegal deals between the Bush family and the Saudi world, but I think it’s quite clear already that there is no adequate excuse for invading Iraq, a country that did not make any threat to the safety of the United States. Only base on that is enough to tell the citizens of the United States that they should not support this person anymore. If there is any thing that can prove Bush started this war just to hide or protect the interest for his family business, then he should be burned.
It’s the ugly truth that is shocking. You thought these people are fighting against terrorists, and to protect the freedom for the world, but they were used to fight for the dirty profit these mother fucker businessmen are making out of the dead people, or the alive. It disgusted me to see the representatives of those fucking global enterprises gather at the conference talking about how to share the market in the reconstruction in the after-war Iraq. No wonder the guerillas want to execute these foreign engineers. What would you think if we think Bush is an asshole so we bomb America just to liberate you dumb ass people and then keep all the construction to ourselves so that you can give your money to us? Furthermore, we even turn around and tell the world it’s all for your own good???
The lies are just so ugly.
Well, no matter what, to start a war like that is not right. To fail the countrymen for personal interest is not right.
And how greedy can you be really? How much money is enough? A million? A billion? A trillion? When will you learn to stop? Or will you ever?
But after all, Bush was elected because of the citizens of the United States. You took your pick, you be responsible for it. Even Bush said it himself, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” It’s a time for Americans to prove that they are not stupid.
I always say I voted for A-bian not because I like him. I was just trying to make Sung not elected, because of the scandal that he has been lying about where the money went.
See? Money again! If the con of A-bian and his party is fighting for independence, which might get us killed by China, and bribery is for Sung, of course I’d rather pick A-bian, as you can see what damage bribery can really do from Iraq and America. Therefore, whether Kerry is a perfect leader or not, you have to god damn vote for him and make sure Bush will not be re-elected.

After all the bullshit I’ve been typing, I still can’t figure out how the poll still shows that Bush is 1% ahead of Kerry. What the fuck are Americans thinking? Hey if he’s elected again, I won’t pity Americans. I will say they deserve it. And I will look them down. Coz it means most of them are stupid people too. They are no superior then any other countries.

We’ll see…