2002-10-14 20:03:39多米尼

A Line I Long for Saying

“I met some one!”

I felt down, watching Stamford saying this line to Carrie with two grasped fists and sparkling eyes. Ahh… Even Stamford can meet some ONE. I guess one must rather say this line by him or herself than hear it said by others (though usually they are your best friends); otherwise Sex and the City has no reason to be so popular to us the lonely hearts.

For a just ended period of several months (exactly how long I can’t remember), I accidentally became a love consultant of my friend. She “met some one,” and she wanted to start a relationship. “Accidentally” I mean I, myself not knowing too much about this subject, or, not even being a Charlotte, was asked to give her my opinions and suggestions. Wow… What a great task! Yet, I know that was important to her and she indeed is my best friend, which was important, too.

At that time my friend and her target still stayed in mere friendship, and my job was being her intelligence crew, contributing out my opinion, including indications of what she had to “do” for hunting a man. With half happy-for-her and half sort-of-jealous mood, I sorely felt I had the responsibility of helping and I did carefully listen to her describing this rarely-seen unique man.

I can’t deny at first I did feel not so comfortable about it, for the reason mentioned above, I wish I were the one who had all the rights to be so exciting. The guy whom my friend had a crush on sounded like a really nice person. I couldn’t help complaining (secretly in my heart) “why I couldn’t meet some one!” However, so beautiful romance itself is! So much imagination a coming romance can stimulate! Later on I started to be able to throw away my immature and unfair thoughts, and wholeheartedly executed my given mission. We talked about all kinds of strategies and situations on the phone time after time. Gradually, I have turned as exciting as my friend. Every time I got her call I got refreshed with this sense of interest, as I was one invisible observer or commentator between these two people. Being a “private relationship counselor” listening to her story all the time, one day I surprisingly found I didn’t even do so much examination with my own before. It seems that I never planned anything for a relationship but just followed my intuition. Suddenly I realized why do I, a failure in fact, have any position to judge or analyze others’ affection. What should one do is the best? Or is there any best to do? Do I really know it? Therefore few days ago, I gave her my last suggestion that was to express her feeling directly to that guy. I told her since you wanted it you must take action, which I couldn’t decide was the best, but no doubt was the most practical.

Her eventually unborn relationship inevitably made me rethought about my past love, with ration this time. By my participation my friend gave me a chance to go over my attitude towards romance. I saw my eagerness of pursuing a relationship was diminishing. LOVE in surface is a beautiful word as fairy tale, but with its literal meaning or any associations stripped off, it has essence which can’t be more substantial. Feeling is something hard to define but one can absolutely clearly sense. We commonly hold a positive attitude that healthy grown men and women should actively manage a relationship, or even we should be happy for ready-to-be relationship. This thought is not wrong, but constructed upon the illusionary surface of romance. In a word, now when I look into myself, I realize I don’t want to say that line just because I wish I could say the line. That is really childish! If I have got through this point, I would find my initial objection against my friend was really nonsensical.

My friend told me she did not particularly feel sad or disappointed. I said, “Great! As long as you know what you really want.” I think I solve the myth of that magical line, as I see what I really want. After I do a trick to remove the sweet crust of romance (for instance, I wave a little the wand I made for myself), the spell of “I met some one” disappears, easily without any reluctance.

Dedicated to my friend TH
(Hey… I do feel sorry for you. Now I more want to say to you “I meet some worth one” instead of just some “one.”)
