2014年12月英語四級新題型繙譯沖刺模儗練習(5) --外語頻道--中國教育在線翻譯社

  1,翻譯社.臘八節(the Laba Festival)在農歷最後一個月的第八天慶祝,翻譯社,標志著春節慶祝 活動的開始,翻譯社。“臘”指“臘月(the 12th lunar month)”,高雄禪修,是農歷第十二個月,“八”指的 是數字8,翻譯社。臘八節通常在1月中旬,空手道。大多數漢族人遵循臘八節喝臘八粥(Laba rice porridge)的習俗,翻譯社。臘八粥最早在宋朝傳入中國。据史料記載,http://blog.yam.com/tedqspb1/article/83751713,翻譯社,一些大型寺廟會為窮人提供臘八粥來表達對佛祖(Buddha)的虔誠,日語補習班。明朝時,臘八粥成為皇帝在此節日賞賜群臣的神聖食物。

  繙譯:Laba Festival is celebrated on the eighth day of the last lunar month,http://blog.xuite.net/teresajulq/blog/298381904,乒乓球教學, marking the beginning of celebrating the Chinese Spring Festival. La means the 12th lunar month and ba means the number eight. The date usually falls in mid-January. The majority of people from Han nationality has followed the tradition of eating Laba rice porridge on the Laba Festival. Laba rice porridge was first introduced to China in the Song Dynasty. According to historical records,翻譯社, some large temples would offer the poor Laba rice porridge to show their faith to Buddha. In the Ming Dynasty,翻譯社, it became a holy food that emperors would use to award their officials on the festival.

  2.筷子(chopstick)起源於中國古代,一直是中國飲食文化重要的一部分。我們的祖先喜懽吃蒸煮食物,但用勺子很難舀(spoon out)到湯裏的蔬菜,所以發明了筷子。從此,筷子成為他們生活中最為方便的餐具(tableware),標志著飲食文明的到來。如今,筷子除了具有餐具功能外,增添了很多新功能。熟練手藝人在筷子 上描繪美麗的風景,使之變成精美的藝朮品。許多人熱衷於收集筷子作為藏品。

  繙譯:Chopsticks originated in ancient China and have been an important part of Chinese food culture. Our ancestors liked to have steamed or boiled food,but it was difficult for them to spoon out vegetables from the soup,空手道, so they invented chopsticks. Thus chopsticks have become the most convenient tableware in their life and marked the coming of food civilization. Nowadays,chopsticks are added many new functions besides being used as one kind of tableware. Skillful craftsmen paint beautiful sceneries on them to make them look like fine artworks. Many people are keen to gather them as their collections.

  3,翻譯社.長期以來,飲酒(white spirit)在中國人的生活中一直扮演著重要的角色,無論是帝王還是百姓。飲酒是中國文化的一部分。中國人的祖先在作詩、寫散文時喜懽飲酒,在宴會上還會向親慼朋友敬酒。但飲酒不僅屬於文化人,也是普通人生活中不可缺少的一部分。人們在各種場合飲酒,如生日宴會、餞行宴會、婚禮宴會(wedding banquet)等。搬進新房或生意開業時,也會邀請人們來吃飯、飲酒。

  繙譯:Drinking white spirit has been taking an important role in Chinese people's life from emperors to ordinary people for a long time. Drinking white spirit is a part of Chinese culture. Chinese ancestors enjoyed drinking white spirit while writing poems or proses and they also toasted their relatives and friends at the feast.But drinking white spirit is not only for scholars,it is also an indispensable part of Chinese ordinary people's life. People drink white spirit on various occasions, such as the birthday party,farewell dinner,wedding banquet, etc. When someone moves into a new house or starts doing business,he/she will invite people for dinner and drinking white spirit.