2004-09-23 00:55:23Kryzsdoff

Level 5 Leadership

Level-5 Leadership 是Jim Collins在其著作“Good to Great”中所闡釋的領導階層. 大部份由Good邁向Great的公司都存在著這類人物. 台灣企業中有沒有這類經理人呢? …

Interesting concept and observation.

* The level 5 hierarchy:
(1) Highly Capable Individual: makes productive contributions through talent, knowledge, skills and good work habits.
(2) Contributing Team Member: contributes the achievement of group objectives; works effectively with others in a group setting.
(3) Competent Manager: organize people and resources toward the effective and efficient pursuit of predetermined objectives.
(4) Effective Leader: catalyzes commitment to and vigorous pursuit of a clear and compelling vision; stimulates the group to high performance standards.
(5) Level 5 Leader: builds enduring greatness through a paradoxical combination of personal humility plus profession will.

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* 若是只想看這五種領導層次的介紹, 則可以看哈佛商業評論中刊登過的文章:
