2019-07-28 06:20:10djvbjh71xblv

【購買折扣】[美國直購] Wahl 8548 理髮器 理髮剪 Professional Chromstyle Cord and Cordless Clipper-本日刷卡購物折扣




老媽看見了[美國直購] Wahl 8548 理髮器 理髮剪 Professional Chromstyle Cord and Cordless Clipper就覺得很喜歡但在店裡看見的價格覺得太高了

所以只好放棄,回到家後立馬上網查了一下[美國直購] Wahl 8548 理髮器 理髮剪 Professional Chromstyle Cord and Cordless Clipper哪裡買比較便宜










本日刷卡購物折扣>家電購買優惠Product Details

Product Dimensions: 10 x 5 x 6 inches ; 1.8 pounds

Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds


UPC: 043917854809

Item model number: 85480

Product Description

From Wahl Professional’s commercial grade line of products, the Chromstyle Clipper is intended for professional use only and is designed to deliver the sharp performance that experts demand. The Chromstyle is lightweight yet powerful. It comes equipped with an adjustable and detachable German-made blade and includes a built-in taper lever for clean and effortless fading. This clipper also includes a premium charging stand for easy storage and can be used with its cord if necessary. For your convenience, the Chromstyle Clipper comes with all accessories required for use. Package includes the clipper, German-made detachable blade, 4 attachment combs, recharge stand, oil, cleaning brush, and operating instructions. The Chromstyle Clipper (#8548) measures 7” long and weighs 11 oz. This product features a German-made detachable 41884-7140 blade, NimH battery, and can be run with an included power corded if necessary.


Leo J. Wahl invented the first hand-held electric clipper back in 1919. He believed in necessary, reasonably priced products that enhanced the lives of everyone who used them. Today, all Wahl products embrace the principles of our founder. We offer reliable, value-priced devices and solutions that protect skin and hair while performing on all skin and hair types.




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