2006-11-01 23:08:06Didy Bear ~媛


I dye my hair myself today. I like the colour. It looks quite good~~

Headache today........maybe coz sleep too late yesterday......
Today i should sleep a bit earlier......

I saw a funny equation as shown below.


人 = 吃飯 + 睡覺 +工作 +玩

豬 = 吃飯 + 睡覺

人 = 豬 + 工作 + 玩

人 - 玩 = 豬 + 工作



男人 = 吃飯 + 睡覺 + 賺錢

女人 = 吃飯 + 睡覺 + 花錢

男人 + 女人 = 吃飯 + 睡覺 + 賺錢 + 吃飯 + 睡覺 + 花錢

因為:賺錢 + 花錢 = 0

所以:男人 + 女人 = ( 吃飯 + 睡覺 ) + ( 吃飯 + 睡覺 )

根據上面第一式:豬 = 吃飯 + 睡覺

結論:男人 + 女人 = 兩隻豬

Congratulations!!! Leo pass his 1st driving exam!!! Add oil~ pass the 2nd one later~~

Extremely tired...... coz still cannot sleep very well....... wanna have body massage.......

Chocolate~~ my favouraite snacks~~ Buy a lot and eat a lot~~

Expel all the unhappiness!!!!!!!!!


He did not do his responsibility. It is not worth for u to treat him so good.

Don’t so sad. Relax!!! Time will pass away!!!