2008-03-26 02:25:20Elly.dai

crying tonight

think about the future
what can i do
what should i do
what is i want to do

sometimes life is so difficult
i don’t know what to do
sometimes life is so easy
just do it
this is a life,right
but who can do that just easy

maybe i think too much
but i can’t stop thinking
everything is wrong
what is true
i’m confusing...
study and work hard,and then
stop or continue

not everything that i can bear
sometimes i’m crying
i want to give up,won’t do anything,just a moment,please

close my eyes,ears and disappear
just keep a silence
Ann 2008-03-26 14:52:33

speak english now.
that`s right,we sometimes think too much.
because we worry about something.
I believe you are so lucky that many friends surround you.
in the future, we have one another.
of course I remember we are like sisters.
we`ll stay in touch with one another.

不由自主 2008-03-26 02:45:45

i`m so happy that i have good friends as you.
you are always to be with me and support me.
when i was sad,i still have you
thank you very much,my sweet friends.

Angela 2008-03-26 02:35:59

Just do anything what you want!
If you are confuse.
Let youself calm down.
Take a rest and then keep going!
No matter what happen.
Remember one thing:
you have our support.
These is I want to tell you.
After crying,you will be more strong than before.
Believe yourself,OK?
Love u ♡