2003-10-11 06:42:57雪小孩


(During the last practical lesson - Pure Maths)
(Place: MMLC of VGSS)

I’m so sorry...I’m afraid I have to disappear for a period of time
Last week, I’ve done so much work and haven’t sleep well
On Sat, I connected to the net finally, but I still had to do my Chinese Literature project.
Actually, that day I was in depress....
I didn’t know what happen to me.......
So I post this ....I hoped I could meet somebody....
but not anyone at last.

【時 間】2002-03-02 22:52:55 回覆│轉寄│另起主題
舞踏在慾望流沙中, 讓絕望走進抵死瘋狂
dancing in the river of DESIRE, let DESPAIR go insane deadly

.........This was my feeling.......truly in the mind...

But still, I’ve to finish the project.......
When finished, my computer started not working well
Then after few minutes, it’s completely down and I couldn’t help myself.......

Everything was gone.......I could have save them........
I cried till to morning.....

Now, I’ve finished all the work and life come to normal.
Workload is lighter a bit...

However, I cannot help myself not to indulge in the depress. I lose everything which is so valued to me.
I lose the happy part of my mind....

I think all the things just come off and go wrong without a reason....
Doesn’t it?............Not...not at all.....
I’m affected by the situation of this year so much.......It’s going to appeal to a point I can’t stand

........A period........I’ll try hard to cure...

(classmates laughing quietly around...they play games secretly.)

And I, still look like normal...but inside......something torn to pieces

Password ongoing........
舞踏在慾望流沙中, 讓絕望走進抵死瘋狂
dancing in the river of DESIRE, let DESPAIR go insane deadly


