2007-02-08 21:07:36妮斯

Not Too Late



越過新片區,我慢慢往後走,看到Norah Jones ,想起她剛發的新片「Not Too Late」專輯,我想就是這張了吧,如果要我推薦的話。

要我說真心話,我真不是Norah Jones的歌迷,唯一愛上Norah Jones的歌是因為一張Norah Jones的單曲「New York City-紐約之歌」,在那張專輯中Norah Jones唱出了我想像中的紐約,我也因此記住了這個據說很有名的JAZZ歌手。

「Not Too Late」這張專輯我剛聽第一首曲目的時候,沒有任何印象,一直到第二首歌曲「Sinkin’ Soon」出現,才算鎮住了我的耳朵。那種感覺就像是我在聽陳昇「五十米深藍」時,聽著聽著就掉進「活該你是單身漢」的漩渦中不能自拔一樣。這兩首歌有些共通的地方,像是兩者唱腔都帶點「說唱」方式,歌詞聽著聽著會讓我笑起來,編曲慵懶隨性,並且像在薄醉的狀態下唱出了這歌。

還有什麼好說的,我都有了「Sinkin’ Soon」的手機鈴聲。

特別是在這樣的下雨天,聽著一曲「Sinkin’ Soon」,不管配什麼飲料,都好。

Norah Jones - Sinkin’ Soon

We’re an oyster cracker on the stew,
And the honey in the tea,
We’re the sugar cubes, one lump or two,
In the black coffee,
The golden crust on an apple pie,
That shines in the sun at noon,
We’re a wheel of cheese high in the sky,
But we’re gonna be sinkin’ soon.

In a boat that’s built of sticks and hay,
We drifted from the shore,
With a captain who’s too proud to say,
That he dropped the oar,
Tiny hole has sprung a leak,
In this cheap pontoon,
Now the hull has started growing weak,
And we’re gonna be sinkin’ soon.

We’re gonna be
Sinkin’ soon,
We’re gonna be
Sinkin’ soon,
Everybody hold your breath ’cause,
We’re gonna be sinkin’ soon

We’re gonna be
Sinkin’ soon,
We’re gonna be
Sinkin’ soon,
Everybody hold your breath
And down and down we go.

Like the oyster cracker on the stew,
The honey in the tea
The sugar cubes, one lump or two?
No thank you none for me.
We’re the golden crust on an apple pie,
That shines in the sun at noon,
Like the wheel of cheese high in the sky
Well ... we’re gonna be sinkin’ soon.



妮小斯 2007-05-28 18:07:25




一粒橙 2007-03-23 15:24:40

感受到那種享愛, 漫漫細味生活的快樂^^
