2012-10-26 03:11:13輕如飛燕

Busy mommy life. - 忙碌的媽媽生活

I always believe the reason of why my mom is so busy all the time is because she does things slowly.

Mom, I am sorry, I was WRONG

Now I realized, Mom's nature is just like that. VERY BUSY. It doesn't matter how fast you are, or how efficient you are, or how organized you are. 

I wake up around 6 something for pumping, pump for 30 minutes, and then I dress up myself. I usually decide what to wear very quick, and then can make myself ready in 10 to 15 minutes. Then I wake my baby up, change diaper for her. Till now, it has been 1 hour pass by since I wake up.  
Take baby downstairs, get her milks ready, prepare for the meals for the day for her. and then prepare mine and Andy's drinks for the morning. Write the record sheet for teacher's reference. Prepare some supplements to bring to school. Put things in the car, get Ashley ready to leave. Another 30 mins pass by.. 
Drive to school with bad traffic, another 30 mins, give baby Ashley to teacher, talk briefly, head to work

I arrived office right on time @ 830AM...

then I leave office at evening, need to leave 530PM sharply to pick up Ashley. Arrived Day care @ nearly 6PM, and then back home 640PM. 
Take her to shower by Andy, I cook, feed her later around 9PM, wash all the bottles, do exercise myself (very precious 30 minutes), take shower, and pump again. 
IS nearly 12AM... 

I was very frustrated, cause I thought I can do those very efficient. I tried several days, thought I just haven't get used to it yet. And turns out... I just can't be faster...or let's say, faster enough. 
Rush to school, rush to work, rush to leave work to pick her up, rush to get home.. 
Oh my....... 

Even though with Andy's help, still not quite smooth.. and result in my bad temper in the morning... 

I guess being a mom is not about being efficient, instead, is being patient and being care. I am not living in the military, I am living in the family as a mom. Though I try to make things organized and efficient, the most important thing is to make my family happy. if I make them feel stressed just because things can't go smoothly, then it is wrong. 

Truly admire mom this character. I am in the learning progress, hope can improve myself in the very nearly future.. 



早上都會大塞車,儘管我可以開多人共乘道,仍舊塞塞塞....。塞到學校大概又快半小時,把東西跟妹妹帶下車,推進學校。Sing in sign out,跟老師講一下,衝到公司上班。剛好八點半。




