2004-09-05 01:01:22Debby & Maurice

Happy Birthday to Mum!!

It's second time i celebrate/share my mum's b-day on line, just this time i can be with her in real. However, we still haven't decided what to do on that day, coz of the "undecided" typhoon.

Originally, we were planning to do the House Warming by the Chinese New Year, then we hoped by the Dragon Boat Festival. Somehow we finally forcefully rushed moving-in before the Lunar July, but Maurice went back to Europe, so we didn't party for Chinese Valentine.

Therefor, now the first big happy day is my Mum's B-Day; maybe it can also represent the brand new beginning for my family!!

PIC: Mum & Bro, @ Chinese New Year's Eve, which we thought it could happen @ our new home...