2019-03-08 07:13:02dblbxdb55thr

【限時商品】Hartan兒童推車 Racer GTS 送禮新上市

不過剛好最近家裡的舊的Hartan兒童推車 Racer GTS


寶貝說他同事也有買 ,兩個禮拜下來感覺真的很不錯喔!!

所以我跟寶貝馬上googe一下,找看看有沒有Hartan兒童推車 Racer GTS













Hartan Pram Racer GTS 設計式樣: 624 · 2019

Hartan's pram Racer GTS features ultimate comfort and trendy design and is super easy to use. Its extra-large single swivel wheels contribute to its manoeuvrability so that you can master any strolls even on rough surfaces. The premium aluminium chassis is particularly light and tough. Air chamber wheels as well as the wheels' suspension provide optimum road holding and level out any irregularities. The single swivel wheels make the Racer GTS to an ideal off-road pram. Depending on the surface you are driving on you can easily lock the wheels within seconds.

When combined with the Hartan soft carrycot, multi-functional carrycot or foldable carrycot you can easily transform the Racer GTS into a full multi-functional pram which is suitable right from birth. A five-point harness as well as a safety bar prevents your little one from standing up or falling out. In order to get in and out of the pram effortlessly, the Racer GTS features a safety bar that can be removed or opened to the side. The backrest can be adjusted in different levels supplies your child with maximum seating lying comfort. The backrest can be adjusted single-handedly - this way, your little one can cuddle up and take a nap whenever he or she wants to. The height-adjustable footrest grows with your child and adds some more comfort to your everyday strolls. The soundless adjustable canopy features UVP 50+ and protects your child from direct sunlight and wind.

The Hartan Racer GTS features a compact folded size and can be equipped with a handbrake if required. The seat unit can be removed and set up in a reversed direction easily. This way, you can decide whether your little one faces you or the world around in driving direction. The easy-to-reach shopping basket has a maximum weight capacity of 5 kg and supplies you with enough space to store all the necessities and niceties needed when being about and about with a tiny human. A transparent rain cover is included in delivery.


  • Perfectly shaped chassis made of high-quality aluminium

  • Easy-to-manoeuvre off-road pram; extra-large single swivel wheels that are suitable for any terrain

  • Compact folded size perfect for any car boot; max. width of 58 cm

  • Practical folding mechanism and light weight make this pram unique

  • Reversible seat unit guarantees quick change of view

  • Lockable single swivel wheels

  • Ergonomic, height-adjustable push bar

  • "So-light" ecco handles, free from pollutants and environmentally friendly

  • Adjustable suspension

  • Parking brake "Wippmatic"

  • Padded five-point safety belt

  • Drop out protection

  • Soundless adjustable canopy, can also be used as sun shade
  • 哪裡買網購達人

  • Height-adjustable footrest grows with child

  • Pushchair cover can be machine washed at 30°C

  • Backrest is multiply adjustable into flat recline position

  • Including large easy-to-reach mesh basket and transparent rain cover

  • UVP 50+ according to Australian standard

  • Weight when used as pushchair: 17,2 kg

  • Weight when used as regular pram: 16,5 kg

  • Size folded: L 84 cm x W 58 cm x H 53 cm

  • Size open: L 90 cm x W 58 cm x 66 to 114 cm




Hartan兒童推車 Racer GTS





2018最多人看的陸劇Top 10出爐!《延禧攻略》、《如懿傳》、《老男孩》??第一名果然是它

紐約匯市—盼川普繼續協商 市場風險胃口擴大 美元跌近一個月低點

週二 (28 日) 交易,投資者評估美墨貿易協議,投資人風險胃口持續擴張並縮減避險賭注,美元承受適度壓力,兌一籃子貨幣下降至接近 1 個月低點。美元已經連續收跌 3 週,跌幅近 2%。同時墨西哥披索走勢趨穩,因投資者靜待後續發展。

美國川普總統週一宣布與墨西哥達成貿易協議,且他希望拿掉「北美自貿協議 (NAFTA)」的名稱,本為 NAFTA 成員之一的加拿大不在美墨協議之中,川普稱他將看看加拿大是否有意加入目前美墨的雙邊協議,也有可能很快與加拿大重啟協商,另外簽約。

Oanda 市場分析副總裁 Dean Popplewell 表示,「任何貿易協議對資本市場來說都是好事,就算是昨天『尚未批准』的美墨貿易消息也能推動美股創下新紀錄,G10 貨幣和大宗商品登上多週高點,然而就算是最看漲的投資人也該小心別過度反應,回頭看看美國與其他貿易夥伴間的最新互動。」

RBC 首席貨幣分析師 Adam Cole 表示,「美墨雙邊的貿易協議細節仍在粗略階段,與加拿大狀況一樣,加拿大官員今日會加入談話,昨日的評論僅限外交部長 Freeland。美墨兩方都稱,倘若加拿大無法加入,仍會朝雙邊協議繼續前進。」

紐約 BK 資產管理公司外匯策略部門總監 Boris Schlossberg 表示,「因為美墨達成貿易協議,意指川普政府也會願意與加送禮新上市拿大和歐洲溝通協商,這讓市場鬆一口氣並提高投資風險資產的意願,進而導致美元走疲。」

ICE 美元指數下降 0.1% 至 94.665。

WSJ 美元指數大致持平在負面領域 89.08。

歐元兌美元相較走強,自週一晚間的 1.1678 美元上升至 1.1695 美元。

美元兌墨西哥披索在 18.7611 披索,與週一 18.7659 披索的匯率水準變化不大。

加元兌美元力道稍轉強,美元兌加元自週一的 1.2966 加元下降至 1.2941 加元。

土耳其里拉兌美元貶值,1 美元可買 6.2206 里拉,前一日為 6.1217 里拉。市場參與者表示,土耳其仰賴外資且經濟條件不利,這些都使土耳其無法處理自身問題,因而導致里拉持續貶值。

Hartan兒童推車 Racer GTS

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好用嗎?, Hartan兒童推車 Racer GTS
