Just read all the articles, I've post two yrs ago...i have to admit...it's fucking stupid...can you ...
差點抓到!!!gay的國旗還不錯啦yes, they are...
天氣一天比一天好,整個人就好爽喔. 要去海灘曬個日光浴... 學校要放假了,很多人都要回去.. 真不知道著個...
一大群朋友到公園烤肉... 還在那邊踢足球,打籃球,完橄欖球... 後面又喝完一箱啤酒(其實那個公園不能喝的)...
竟然去穿耳環... 還跟我一個俄羅斯朋友一起去穿的 真的沒想到我竟然會去穿耳環 我真的有點驚訝!!!
來到這的第一禮拜就到夜店鬼混了 圖片是我兩個西班牙朋友 很high的喔,太多辣妹了!!! P.S我是拿中間那一...
"人"一身中就是要經歷過無數次的挫折和考驗 才會慢慢的懂得包容與珍惜!!! 每個人都會犯下無數次的錯誤,如...
最近在加拿大過的還算不錯, 兄弟們!!! 你們不來這有點可惜阿!!! 不說真的不行!!! ”太多正眉啦” 有時走在...
If i can turn the clock back. I wish i can take everything seriously. i know i’m too childish befor...
it’s so hard to decide, i have try the best i can, i don’t know why there is still something block...
i’m trying my best to do everything i want but i don’t think it’s work for me. I want it to be mi...
Both of us suddenly stop everything. i’m not asking about her anything, she is the same. we are get...
i just don’t know how to say it to her, it’s quite difficult to that her stay besides me. I’m doi...