Didn`t you hear someone said" The End is not the End, it`s begining" Do your best and never forget me. Your good friend, Andy Liu=]]
最初,是看到國外的生活影片, 在秋天的時候,某個人的家裡布置著幾顆布做的南瓜 感覺很美,溫暖,又溫馨,於是我收藏了幾個手縫
山居隨筆 鷹隼盤旋層巒疊嶂山巔 鳥兒枝椏間築巢 陽光篩過林梢 山徑草叢裡蟲鳴似有若無 天為幕 山谷湧來嵐霧成薄薄透
Didn`t you hear someone said" The End is not the End, it`s begining"
Do your best and never forget me.
Your good friend, Andy Liu=]]