2008-08-13 16:47:10Miss Black

Love’s everywhere

This noon, I was out for launch with Jennifer, after launch, we went bought some bread, and when we were on the way back to office, we saw one mother-to-be.

At first, I saw she was talking to two girls, and then the two girls just left but not that far, what I think is they are colleagues just like Jennifer and me talking all the road. The only difference was that she is ready to be a mother, and why she still stood there, just because her baby might kick her at that moment, and she needed to rest for a while! That’s all my thoughts!

When we passed by the 「Newly Mom」, it didn’t look well as we thought, the mother was crying and keeping touching her belly with painful look, oh my, what happened?!!

We ran toward to her immediately to check if she is ok, she felt not well, the two girls back again, told us that she almost be bumped by a truck and she got frightened,that’s scared even for us to be told.

We asked the eyeglasses shop to let her in and get some rest, they gave her a cup of water and asked her to lie down in upstairs.......

After we sured that she will get a good treatment, then, we left...

What a warm and cute society!!!! Doen’t it ?!
Mmmmm, feel good!!

