2008-06-11 09:40:12雲淡風輕



Founded: 1984
Headquarters Location: Raleigh, United States
Industry: IT industry, venture capital, real estate
Products: personal computers, notebook computers, mobile phones,
electronic office equipment,Pocket PCs, printers
Annual Sales: 13 billion U.S. dollars
Number of employees: 19,000


In April 2003, Legend adopted a new logo and the English brand name Lenovo. Lenovo meant innovation and creation. The Le in the name connected with Legend, while novo linked to innovation and novelty. The decision to create the new brand was also prompted by had the fact that other users in a number of major markets had registered the Legend name.

2005年5月1日,聯想以17.5億美元的價格完成對IBM PC事業部的收購,並獲得在5年內使用IBM品牌權,成為全球第三大PC廠商。 聯想當前(2007年第三季度)電腦出貨量僅次於美商惠普與戴爾電腦,是全球第三大。

In May 2005, Lenovo to 1.75 billion U.S. dollars to the price of IBM PC business acquisition, and agreed in five years the right to use IBM’s brand name and become the world’s third largest PC maker. Lenovo current (third quarter of 2007) computer shipments after the U.S. Hewlett-Packard and Dell Computer, the world’s third largest.
Before the acquisition, Lenovo Group has occupied 25% of the Asian market, mainly due to Lenovo Group in quality and price advantage.

近期而言,聯想的收購行為有負面作用。分析人士認為,顧客通常不喜歡新品牌的不確定性。IBM電腦原有的客戶,諸如通用電器和發現信用卡等目前已經將其電腦採購對像轉到戴爾。美國信息技術協會總裁哈里斯. 米勒認為,聯想若想贏得競爭需要在用戶中樹立起良好的形象。

Recently, Lenovo’s acquisition of a negative role. Analysts believe that customers generally do not like the new brand of uncertainty. The original IBM PC customers, such as General Electric and found credit cards has its procurement of computers like Dell go. U.S. Information Technology Association president Harris. Miller believes that Lenovo To win the competition in the user needs to establish a good image.

從中長期來看,聯想的低成本和大規模生產、以及它專功電腦生產的模式是有競爭力的。 美國信息技術協會總裁哈里斯. 米勒說,“市場競爭很激烈,坦率地講,各品牌電腦的功能和特點已經不是很明顯的了,用戶注重的是好的價格和質量。戴爾現在佔據著美國和全球市場的至高點,但是用戶的口味會很快轉變,因此製造商需要盡心經營。”

The medium and long term, Lenovo’s low-cost and large-scale production, and its production of the power of the computer model is competitive. U.S. Information Technology Association president Harris. Miller said that ”very fierce market competition, frankly speaking, the brand of computer functions and features is not very clear, user-oriented is good price and quality. Dell now occupy the U.S. and global markets Zhi Gaodian , But the user’s tastes change quickly, so manufacturers need dedicated business. ”