2008-07-15 12:46:36Diane

July 12 Go to Yukiko’s house

(picture: Stacy is doing a sketch of me in the backyard.)

July 12

Today Mommy’s friend Stacy drove my mom, my big brother, and me to Mom’s another friend’s house. Her name is Yukiko.

At her house, Stacy did sketches of me, my big brother and my mom. They all look alike.

Stacy also drew a Hopscotch on the ground for us to play.
Then I watched TV. I watched SpongeBob. It is very funny!

I also went to the backyard to pick raspberries. But the plants have some thorns.
I don’t like the thorns because they hurt me, so I only picked some.
picture: This is Serena. She took me to pick the raspberries.

I think it is my best day ever, because I got to watch a lot of TV and play for a long time!