2004-05-06 18:12:25Cynthia


話說我在ILSC時,選修了一門Media Studies的課程,那位女老師不知為啥每天情緒都很high,還因為我的名字中「Hui」很難發音,乾脆就幫我改名叫我「Yahoo」。我就這樣很無奈地當了「雅虎」整整一個月,嗚嗚嗚……(還有人說我的名字很響亮出名,因為大家到山上很愛玩一種叫「回音」的無聊遊戲,喊的就是yoo~~hoo~~~,聽起來就很像我的名字。真是夠了!)

Fly Man Vancouver by Ya-Hui

“Do not feel surprised if one day you see a man floating in the sky. It is not magic and it is true”, said a woman who lives in Mexico and saw the strange sight one week ago.
In South America, a man named David has a pair of wings on his back. Four years ago, David had a car accident and he stayed in a hospital for two months. After David woke up from his coma, he noticed he had wings. He said, “When I was in the coma, I saw an angel in Heaven. The angel talked to me and then entered into my body. It was an amazing experience!”
Now, David had started his own special delivery business, sending emergency packages around the world.

這篇奇文(奇怪的文章)另有一個大標:Heaven can not wait,我還在文章後畫了一個小人兒的插圖,寫了一句標語:Welcome to Heaven。因為在台灣的電線桿上不是都喜歡貼著「天國近了」!我同學都很喜歡呢!

