2007-01-17 23:03:14小五


【摘譯自:2007年1月17日NEWSWEEK雜誌 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16500162/site/newsweek/



The Upbeat Upperclass

An Exclusive poll shows Latin power players buoyant on their future, despite simmering unrest. Will it last?

A new outlook has taken hold of Latin America’s elite, which is now decidedly bullish. That’s the finding of a new Zogby International poll published exclusively by NEWSWEEK and cosponsored by the University of Miami’s School of Communications, and it represents a sea change in perspective. In the survey of 603 prominent Latin Americans-leading politicians, government officials, academics and journalists- the share who describes the current economy in their own countries as good or excellent has risen from 7 percent to 43 percent since a similar Zogaby poll in 2002. But the most striking finding is a strong optimism about the future: 53 percent say Latin America is on the “right track” and 81 percent expect their national economy to improve over the next two years.