2009-03-08 16:23:45〥芹蟹麵〥


根據ZDNet 掌握的消息,微軟公司預定本周稍後開始在內部測試「Kumo」,也就是Live Search產品令人期待已久的更新版。

未來,Kumo在更新Live Search的同時,也將重塑品牌。不過,就此刻而言,微軟仍稱之為「一種內部測試環境」(internal test environment)。


很久以前就有耳語開始傳出,「Kumo」可能是Live Search重塑品牌後的新名稱。

至於微軟即將推出新搜尋工具的消息,則是由Powerset共同創辦人Barney Pell的一則Twitter訊息率先披露,經科技迷網站LiveSide轉述報導。Pell目前擔任微軟公司的「搜尋策略師」,他在Twitter訊息裡並未提及Kumo之名,只表示該網站將更新使用者介面,並換用新品牌。


Kumo和MicrosoftResearch提供員工使用者的另一種搜尋工具不一樣,那項工具稱為「Viveri」,上周在微軟TechFest科技成果展中展示,採用LiveSearch引擎,並結合了新的視覺化(visualization)與垂直搜尋(vertical search)技術。


同時,根據Search Engine Land的報導,公共的Live Search網站已做了幾項改變,包括增加「最符合」(best match)和「分類條列」(categorized listings)的選項。



前一篇已經提過,微軟本週將開始內部測試Kumo搜尋技術(改名過的Live Search),現在記者已經收到一張螢幕抓圖可分享。

ZD記者也收到微軟搜尋主管Satya Nadella發給員工的信件,不過請記住,裡面雖然提到可試用該網站,但這是針對內部員工而言,我們這些外人只能看螢幕抓圖而已。從這張圖片來看,最大的改變應該搜尋結果會有系統呈現幾種不同東西,看看是否是搜尋者想要的東西。


From: Satya Nadella

Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 4:18 PM

To: Microsoft - All Employees (QBDG)

Subject: Announcement: Internal Search Test Experience

The Search team needs you. We've been working hard to improve oursearch service and want to share the progress we are making with you.We are launching a new test program called kumo.com for employees totry and provide feedback. Kumo.com exists only inside the corporatenetwork, and in order to get enough feedback we will be redirectinginternal live.com traffic over to the test site in the coming days.Kumo is the codename we have chosen for the internal test.

In spite of the progress made by search engines, 40 percent of queriesgo unanswered; half of queries are about searchers returning toprevious tasks; and 46 percent of search sessions are longer than 20minutes. These and many other learnings suggest that customers oftendon't find what they need from search today.

We believe we can provide a better and more useful search experiencethat helps you not just search but accomplish tasks. During the test,features will vary by country, but you'll see results organized in away that saves you more time. An explorer pane on the left side ofresults pages will give you access to tools that help you with yourtasks. Other features like single session history and hover previewhelp accomplish more in search sessions.

Your Next Search...

To get started, visit kumo.com or click one of the samples below to seehow it's possible to find the right results more easily:

As employees, you are some of our most informed users and our toughestcritics, and we highly value your input and feedback to help us build abetter service. You have been an important voice in our efforts, andthe feedback you've sent us since the company meeting has been amazing.

When you visit kumo.com, at the bottom right corner of the each pageyou'll see a feedback badge. We ask that each time you use the testsite, click the feedback badge and take a moment to answer four quickand simple questions. Feel free to reach out to give us extra feedbackdirectly on our blog and by mailing (an internal alias). For answers tocommon questions make sure to see our FAQ.

We are committed to rapid innovation and improvement. Please give thetest site a try, rate the results and let us know what you think.

- Satya