2012-10-28 20:08:42Peter




Congratulations on your opportunity what You just graduated from university as soon as took a such good occupation. Of course, busy is inevitable as long as.Because you have a little know how about your job.So There are a lot of rushes to get the job done every business day.但是對一位今年才畢業的學生而言,獲得一份錯綜複雜的工作是上天的恩賜.

The common practice on working overtime. But you can’t forever tell people I've been working on headless fruit flies'.所以再忙再累妳也要有辦法抓得到時間

,去學習該學習的. English has been Esperanto as long as you never stop to get it better to better.

Verbal and written ability in the no matter what you engaged in that is very important.所以妳必須每個禮拜,至少PO出兩篇100 ~140個字的微博,而且要言之有物儘量通順.Microsoft的PowerPoint也要熟練. You will be of course familiar with the photography.So you have to own your good and fully functional digital camera.隨手拍隨意拍反正現在成本接近零.Practice makes perfect.

The most important know-how is the selling ability whatever you are a sales or not.行銷術是獨立於產品之外的,包括了人際關係的推廣和馬屁知道,所以焉能不投入最多的精力與時間學習.這些坊間都有書還有相關的課程,這方面的錢絕對不能省.如果有學到一招半式能應用也要儘量應用.

