2006-12-22 21:15:48Smile


I today am bored and bored.
Happy not to stand up.
Can’t laugh especially.
Smiles of a whole day are all easy to pretend.
I unhappy perhaps yes because you.
You give my smile it is easy to remove from strongly to let me think you smiled.
Why do not you look very happy these days ?
Have wanted to ask you very much all the time.
Can’t open the mouth.
Do not know how to care about you.
It was your really happy smile that thought and saw.
Remove from the strong smile instead of you.
Why you like anger funeral music I can be influenced ?
Only because I like you ?
See unhappy that I will think and avoid you as me.
Because wonder how to smile to you.
I should continue liking you.
It is right to come to like you ?
Persons perhaps that you have oneself which like now.
Decide to your liking putting in the heart.
The full shelf of itinerary of Christmas Day.
But unhappy.
Step the full shelf of itinerary for year.
Put and is not open.