2006-12-21 19:16:10塗鴉氏

I Went To Your Wedding

比較過 Hank Snow 和 Patti Page 的歌聲,同樣的歌詞配上不同的配樂及編曲,並搭配不同的唱腔,的確是Patti Page在 Singing Rage專輯的這首
I Went To Your Wedding聽起來不免令人驚嘆於她的絕妙發音。


歌詞最絕妙之處是有人改寫了,不過原唱 Patti Page 並沒有錄製搞笑版。


I went to your wedding
Although I was dreading
The thought of losing you
The organ was playing
My poor heart kept saying
”My dreams, my dreams are through” **

You came down the aisle
Wearing a smile
A vision of loveliness
I uttered a sigh
And then whispered goodbye
Goodbye to my happiness

Your mother was crying
Your father was crying
And I was crying too
The teardrops were falling
Because we were losing you

You came down the aisle
Wearing a smile
A vision of loveliness
I uttered a sigh
And then whispered goodbye
Goodbye to my happiness

Oh, your mother was crying
Your father was crying
And I was crying too
The teardrops were falling
Because we were losing you

**This line is sometimes sung as
”Your dreams, your dreams are through”


As recorded by Spike Jones & His City Slickers:

I went to your wedding
Although I was dreading
The thought of seeing you...(laugh)... oh, that face!
My poor heart was praying
To hear the groom saying
”I do, I do, I do”... (laugh)... oh, that poor fish... I’m sorry.

You tripped on the aisle
Fell flat on your... (laugh)... smile
Your father was loaded too...(laugh)... oh, what a mess!
He dragged your bouquet
The rest of the way
And then... (snigger)... and then... (laugh)...
He went back and dragged you... (laugh)

Your mother was laughing
Your father was laughing
And I was... (manic laughter)... too
We all had hysterics
At last we got rid of YOU!
