2004-08-22 08:57:46Cu+


I and Julia went to the Seattle art museum for Vincent van Gogh..
Although the exhibition wasn't having his painting as many as I expected..
I've seen several artist whose painting belong to quite different styles and period...
Seurat,Signac, Denis(neo-impressism), Mondrian (abstractionism), Gris, Picasso (cubism)...
Among them... I really like the work done by Seurat, Mondrian and Gris..

In fact, the painting by Picasso I saw was really...ugly... I think it must be his pioneering works lo...

I was so satisfied seeing that Van Gogh used huge amount of pigments on his painting.. At the same time thinking: he must be a rich guy...
The complicated but harmonious colors he used, the free dancing line he drew, the philosophy he observed... all present his living attitude toward power and love...
Julia was not very interesting in the abstract painting which also inspired me, despite I thought I entered the wrong number of the radio introduction once.. haha…
The cubism was impressed too… some of them… not all of them lo…

That’s it.. my first art tour..