2004-08-03 15:57:46Cu+

architecture guys

I knew some architecture guys recently
I feel that they all have the character of "confidence".. and sometime even being "over"
but I've never thought that will be a bad thing
since I am a non-confidence person
Either working or playing with those guys .. I kinda feel.. actually I am not that bad..
Although they are really crazy always..especially talking in the architecture topics..
They bring me the optimistic perspective on same thing I may regard as sad matter..
and then we can talk about the design that I had never thought I caould discussed with...and kinda interesting..

A boy said that he won't think lost a relationsip was a bad thing
Since he learned a lot from it..
It just makes me to become a better woman
Maybe sometime... lost a guy I loved.. will bring the other better things happen to me...
Wei~~ it's worth I guess.. We'll see....