2016-05-02 08:42:54collinf8hmt3

英語會話家教 全民英檢gept fao agriculture division中文意思是什麼

    學英文遊戲 流利的英文英檢中級考試時間 線上聽英語英文自修 全民英檢中級考古題學英語app 安親班選擇 兒童英文教學多益 雅思 托福 自學英文英文自傳 聽歌學英語 如何學好英文聽力數學家教班 家教的英文 英語影片學習英文方法 英文聽力訓練方法



fao agriculture division中文意思是什麼

fao agriculture division解釋


  • fao: FAO, F. A. O. = Food and Agriculture Organization (聯合國)糧食及農業組織。
  • agriculture: n. 農業,農耕;農業生產;農學。
  • division: n 1 分,分開,分割;分劃,區分。2 分配;分派。3 分裂,(意見)不一致,傾軋。4 區域;〈英國〉選區...

  • Food and agriculture organization of the united nations fao

  • Five experts from both canada and china were invited to give lectures at this training session : mr. michael gifford, formerly canadas chief agricultural trade negotiator and currently senior advisor with the center of trade policy and law ctpl, carlton university, canada ; dr lars brink, senior advisor of global policy analysis, aafc ; mr. e. defeng, director of agriculture division, department of wto affairs, mofcom ; dr cheng guoqiang, deputy director of the research institute of market economy, drc ; prof. li xiaoyun, dean of the college of humanities and development, china agricultural university ; and, prof. he xiurong, from the college of economics management, china agricultural university

    此次培訓邀請了來自加拿大和中國的5名專家共同授課。其中包括原加拿大農業談判首席代表,現任加拿大卡爾頓大學貿易政策和法律中心ctpl高級顧問的michael gifford專家加拿大農業及農業食品部aafc全球政策分析高級顧問lars brink博士商務部世貿司農業處鄂德峰處長國務院發展研究中心市場所程國強副所長中國農業大學人文與發展學院李小雲院長,以及中國農業大學經濟管理學院何秀榮教授。
  • During their visit to jinlu vegetables co., ltd., a vegetable processing business located in pengzhou, ms. jin lebi, head of the company, depicted her experience of participating in the training delivered by sfagm. for example, she discussed how it helped the enterprise out of difficulties by shifting business ideas and improving managerial techniques. when learning that this business had just been awarded the silver prize at the western china agriculture exposition, mr. chen, director of the division of american and oceania, encouraged her to bring her products to the agriculture exposition to be held in beijing next year to further enhance the popularity of those products so as to help local farmers into a much larger market

  • But because of the shortage of talented person and unreasonable human resources development, which seriously constrain economic development of the first agriculture division

  • The first agriculture 全民英檢中高級初試 家教網 division, located in the “ dead sea " of the northern edge of taklimakan desert and the tarim upstream strait where is known as the " no ground breaking. the first agriculture division is the base of staple in china, but also is one of the minority gathered place, and responsible for reclamation

    農一師地處號稱「死亡之海」的塔克拉瑪干沙漠北部邊緣和號稱「無疆野馬」的塔里木全民英檢初級考古題 英語線上學習 臺北英文補習班河上游兩岸,是我國長絨棉基地,也是少數民族聚集地之一,肩負著屯墾戍邊的歷史責任。

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    fao agriculture division中文意思是什麼
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