2003-01-27 03:22:07CoLdYeE~*

Delusion Sickness = Day Dreaming

i saw the phrase <<妄想症患者>>in my friend's info. suddenly, i found that it is kinda suitable for me these days... or maybe it is actually suitable for me from the very beginning since the day i born.

did i mention to u guys b4? when i was a kid... i dun like watching TV, u know all the kids love TV pretty much coz it is a brandnew thing to them... but not for me tho.~

my mom told me that when i was a kid, i ignored the TV but sucked my thrumb into my mouth and played with the cloth for all day long... maybe i was thinking abt sth... sth important~ hee~*

thinking too deep and too much make ppl crazy... i found that i am kinda crazy too... coz i like day dreaming (發白日夢)... somehow, it is like a delusion sickness... coz day dreaming too much is an illness (i saw it in the newspaper, lol)

hmm, maybe the world is not like what i see...

do u still remember Doraemon (叮噹)'s last chapter? it said 大雄 was just day dreaming in the story. All the things are just in his imagination... no 叮噹, no 靜兒, no 百寶袋... nothing's happened in the reality!!! And 大雄 was claimed as 妄想症患者. i mean, if day dreaming is equal to delusion sickness... then i will be another 大雄~ that means i am a 妄想症患者...

I hate reality... coz everything is too real in the real world??? or just too fake in the reality??? or i should say, i am too real in my imagination, then i am too fake in the real world???